KOBANÎ: The Undesired Picture

KOBANÎ: The Undesired Picture

A name misleadingly used and abused Turned into a legendary trap For the Americans to drop bombs on the enemy. The foe was smashed but so was the trap And the dancers danced and danced Narrating the jingles of “victory” While the town was no longer there And the...

JI RAYA GISTÎ RE: Li Ser Daxuyaniya Hevpar ya HDP û Hukumeta Turkîyê

Di demeke ku Kurdistan û Rojhilata Navîn bi lîstikên kirêt û hovane, ber bi kaoseke mezin ve dihate daftan, têkosîna gelê Kurd, Haraketa Azadiya Kurd û siyaseta Birêz Abdullah Ocalan, li Tirkiyê encamek erênî derxiste holê. Birêz Ocalan, bi salane dibin sertên giran...

Wezîrê EŞO Xatirê xwe xwest, Roni Alasor

Nivîskar û diroknasê Kurd yê bi nav û deng, Wezîrê Eşo iro lı goristana bacarokê Zellikê lı Belçikayê aliyê sedan kesan da hat hılhanin. Wezirê Eşo hemu parti, rêxıstın û gelên Kurd lı çar percent Kürdistanê, lı Kafkasya Soveyata berê u Ewrupa hanin ba hevdu. Her wısa...

Kurdish News Weekly Briefing, 23 – 27 November 2014

Discussion with UK Delegation to Suruc, Turkey, on the Syrian border Venue:  Kurdish Community Centre,  Fairfax Hall,  11 Portland Gardens, London N4 1HU At 4:30pm on Saturday, 29th November 2014 A group of activists from London and Edinburgh took part in a recent...


Turkey and the PKK: Saving the Peace Process The peace process between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is threatened by ceasefire violations and spillover from the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Both sides must set aside pretexts and inertia and seize the...

Kobanê resistance continues

Resistance by YPG/YPJ forces continues in the Kobanê town of West Kurdistan, Rojava, which is being targeted by intensified attacks of ISIS gangs for the last 21 days. The eastern and southern fronts have last night witnessed fierce clashes and the most concerted...