Turkey, the Kurds and the Imrali Peace Process:
An Historic Opportunity
Brussels, European Parliament, 4th & 5th of December 2013 Room: ASP 1G2
Interpretation available in
Turkish, English, French, German, Dutch
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, South Africa
Dr. Shirin Ebadi
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Iran
Bianca Jagger
Council of Europe Goodwill Ambassador
Chair of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, UK
Professor Noam Chomsky
Writer, USA
Yasar Kemal
Writer, Turkey
Vedat Turkali
Writer, Turkey
Leyla Zana
European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought,
Rafto Prize Laureate, Turkey
An official “European Parliament personal badge / pass” will be provided to all participants to the Conference.
All participants MUST communicate by mail to guengl-kurds2013@europarl.europa.eu the following information:
1) Name and surname
2) Date of birth
3) Place and country of residence (if possible, the full address of residence)
4) Number of a valid document (ex: passport, national ID, etc…)
This information must be sent to the above-mentioned mail before the 28th of NOVEMBER 2013.
Please note that NO ACCREDITATION will be accepted after this deadline, according to the rules established by the Security Department of the European Parliament.
Your “personal badge / pass” will be available at the main entrance of the European Parliament (Place de Luxembourg – main European Parliament’s building “Altiero Spinelli” – just after the sliding doors you’ll find a conference desk), during AND ONLY the following date / hours.
– Wednesday 4th of December 2013, from 14h00 until 16h30
– Thursday 5th of December 2013, from 08h30 until 10h30
– Thursday 5th of December 2013, from 14h00 until 16h00
Please note that all participants must take care of their own “EP badge / pass” during both days; if someone lose the “pass / badge” it will be impossible for the conference’s organizers to replace it, according to the E.P. internal rules.
For any additional information, please contact the conference’s secretariat:
Wednesday, 4th December 2013, 15.00-16.30
Opening Session, Room ASP 1G2
Opening Remarks and Greetings
• MEP Ms. Gabi Zimmer
Chair of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left Group (GUE/NGL) in the
European Parliament, Germany
• Ms. Kariane Westrheim, PhD
Chair of EUTCC, Associate Professor, University of Bergen, Norway
Opening Speeches:
• MP Ms. Leyla Zana
Member of the Parliament, European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, Rafto Prize Laureate, Turkey
• MEP Mr. Jürgen Klute
Coordinator of the EP-Kurds Friendship Group, GUE/NGL Group, Germany
• Me Antoine Comte, Lawyer , France
Video messages of Conference’s Patrons
• Video trailer of previous nine conferences
• Professor Noam Chomsky, Writer, the USA
• Yasar Kemal, Writer, Turkey
Wednesday, 4th December 2013, 16.30-18.30
Panel I, Room ASP 1G2
Reforming the State and Reconciling Society:
Constitutional, political and social reforms in Turkey
MEP Mr. Iñaki Irazabalbeitia Fernández, Greens-EFA Group
• MP Gulten Kisanak, co-Chair, BDP, Turkey
• MP AKP, Turkey (to be confirmed)
• MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu, CHP MP for Istanbul, Turkey
• Emma Sinclair-Webb, Senior Researcher, Human Rights Watch
• Hüseyin Yayman, Academic & Member of the Wise people Commission, Turkey
• Dogu Ergil, Academic & Member of the Wise people Commission, Turkey
• Hasan Cemal, Journalist, Turkey
• Hugh Pope, International Crisis Group
Questions and discussion with moderators & discussants
Thursday, 5th December 2013, 09.30-13.00
Panel II, Room ASP 1G2
Peace-building Initiatives and Imrali Peace Process:
The role of the international community and the EU in promoting
justice and democracy in Turkey
MEP Mr. Søren Bo Søndergaard, GUE/NGL Group, Denmark
• MP Ertugrul Kurkcu, co-Chair of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), Turkey
• Mr. Yonnec Polet, Deputy Secretary General of the Party of European Socialists (PES), Belgium
• MEP Mark Demesmaeker, Greens-EFA Group, Belgium
• Mr. David L. Phillips, Director, Program on Peace-building and Rights, Columbia University Institute for the Study of Human Rights, USA
• Dr. Günter Seufert, German Institute for International and Security Affairs – SWP, Germany
• Mr. Günay Aslan, Journalist
Questions and discussion with moderators & discussants
Thursday, 5th December 2013, 15.00-17.30
Panel III, Room ASP 1G2
The Kurdish Democratic Project:
Strategies and policies to bring peace to the Middle East
Professor Michael Gunter, EUTCC, United States of America
• Mr. Jonathan Spyer, Middle East Analyst, Israel
• Mr. Joost Jongerden, Academic, The Netherlands
• Mr. Mala Bakhtiyar, Chief of Executive Body of Political Bureau, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan – PUK, Kurdistan
• Amberin Zaman, Turkey Correspondent of the Economist, Turkey
• Zübeyir Aydar, Member of the Executive Board of Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)
• Saleh Muslim, Co-President of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Syria
Questions and discussion with moderators & discussants
Thursday, 5th December 2013, 17.30-18.30
Panel IV, Room ASP 1G2
Conclusions, Recommendations and Final Remarks
by EUTCC Board Members