In his article below, Doğan Özgüden, journalist and long-time friend of the Kurdish Institute, looks back at the New Year’s moments he experienced since 75 years ago. Doğan analyzes during those many years what has or has not changed in ‘his Turkey’ where he grew up as a child. He refers herewith in particular to the lack of respect for human rights, the persecutions, detentions, torture, etc.

Doğan himself is a Turkish journalist who, under the threat of more than 300 years in prison for his writings and publications, was forced to leave Turkey after the military coup of 1971. He was stripped of Turkish citizenship after the military coup of 1980. He lives in Belgium since 1974. He is editor-in-chief of Info-Turk. In Turkey, he was the editor of the left-wing daily Akşam and the socialist magazine ANT.

The article in question is available on the web platform of the ‘Turkey Tribunal’. After all, during the past Christmas period, Doğan came under scrutiny of the recently drafted “Motivated Opinion” of the Turkey Tribunal. A 64-page counting document that strongly condemns the regime in Ankara for the many persistent violations of human rights.

We would like to refer to the article via the following webpage of the Turkey Tribunal (English) or the media platform of ‘Artı Gerçek’ (Turkish).