What other conspiracies do the responsible institutions of the Czech Republic, which is member of the UN , NATO and European Union and which supposedly adheres to the principles of law and democracy have in store for my  myself?
Colonel Václav KučeraColonel Václav Kučera

I Dr Yekta Uzunoglu (also known as Yekta Geylanî) was cowardly attacked on 8. 9. 1994 in my office by an armed Turkish citizen. The attacker at that time resided in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Czechoslovak Federative Republic and Czech Republic under a false identity. He managed to gain fake documentation and a passport that was issued by the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Prague. The attack which was committed on direct order, constituted as attempted murder.

-Furthermore, in the evening on 13. 9. 1994, after a business meeting with representatives of a renowned British company BOOTS, I was detained by a group of armed people, under direct command of kpt. Josef Opava. Moreover, 10 years later it has been proven that Josef Opava was a member of the largest and probably most dangerous criminal gang (so-called Berdych’s gang) in the history of a Czech justice. Consequently, he has been convicted to 14 years in prison. While serving his sentence, Josef Opava confessed to then senator (now member of the European parliament) Jaromír Štětina, that Dr. Uzunoglu was arrested on demand, as a part of wider conspiracy.
Captain Josef OpavaCaptain Josef Opava

– The first acts committed against myself (torture and illegal detainment), was under direct supervision of kpt. Horák, who has been according to the investigation of director of Inspection of the minister of interior, Dr. Nechanický, the officer, for whom Turkish illegal Göksel Otan alias Gurkan Gönen alias Mustafa Özer worked as an agent for.
–  Including for myself and three other kurds detainment was ordered by the Bureau of investigation of the Czech police, department Prague 5, that directly commanded Horák’s and Opava’s group and that was directly responsible for the entire case. Director of Bureau of investigation of the Czech police, department Prague 5 at the time was npor. Václav Kučera. Therefore he has been entirely responsible and competent for the “investigation “and proceedings of my case.
– Later, I and three Kurds were arrested and wrongly accused of conspiracy to commit a threefold murder and the torturing of another person. These false allegation came about at the time when I was probably meeting with BOOTS representatives.
– According to Czech law, an entire “investigation’’ couldn’t be carried out by the Police department of Prague 5 anymore. Instead it could be undertaken by the Office of investigation of the capital city of Prague’s police. While the case file was being transferred to the Office of investigation of the capital city of Prague’s police, npor. Kučera was promoted and transferred to the Office of investigation of the capital city of Prague’s police as a deputy director.

– The case file has been kept secret to myself and my lawyers for several months, but during this time, Göksel Otan alias Gurkan Gönen alias Mustafa Özer was allowed to see it at any time he wished. Furthermore, it has even been shown, through the Czech state owned television company “Česká televize“, to the entire Czech nation by Kučera’s direct subordinate.

– The accusation from another serious crime has been officially told in a remand prison, to myself by Václav Kučera in person, who also interrogated me.

– I and three other Kurds have been held in custody among the worst Czech criminals for two and half years. Despite there never existing a serious reason for custody, nor for infringing the legal limit of two years, that any person could spend in custody at that time.

The illegal Turkish Göksel Otan alias Gurkan Gönen alias Mustafa Özer was never accused or charged by the responsible officer Václav Kučera and his office of any of the crimes he committed. Kučera’s office even wanted to return his passport to him, which they’ve known to be false! So the Turkish illegal has never been accused of acquiring a gun passport under a false identity, neither establishing several trade companies under a false identity, nor even of transferring internationally wanted criminal Nurettin Cil to the Czech Republic, for whom he, with silent acceptance of the Czech police, even acquired a residence permit and a false passport at the Turkish embassy in Prague. Only after the request of the German police was Nurettin Cil later arrested – when he was illegally printing false credit cards.

It took Czech justice 13 years before they concluded, that all of the accusations were false and part of a conspiracy against myself, before I and other three Kurds could have finally been fully cleared. Czech state and the most important public people of the Czech Republic, including then President Václav Havel who have apologized to me and have given their sincere apologies. The Czech state has partially compensated me for the injustice.

After twenty years

– More than 20 years later, on 20. 1. 2015,   I was yet again attacked in my house by an armed man, Václav Faktor, who entered the building by force with intention to murder me.
– Václav Faktor a convinced habitual criminal and several times unsuccessfully treated alcoholic. He is most probably an agent or collaborator of the Czech police in the place of his residence – city of Příbram.
– I miraculously convinced Václav Faktor to leave his intention and even managed to record part of our conversation. Václav Faktor later made a written confession that he intended to kill me. I submitted everything to the Czech police. Without even interrogating Václav Faktor or myself, Czech police have constructed on 26. 1. 2015 a so-called “concept“, that is a part of the case file. In this case file, they claim that the entire incident was in fact planned and acted out by myself.

– Václav Faktor, who at the time of his crime was wanted for other serious offenses, was detained at the address provided to police by myself, and after several hours was mysteriously released. Since this time, he is continuously harassing me with threatening text messages and repeated (sometimes several times a day) telephone calls – something he is under any circumstances not allowed to do. Trying to contact the victim is a reason alone to be remanded in custody for (as if an attempted murder wasn’t). I submitted the call log and SMS log print-outs to the Czech police and state attorney, but without any reaction. It is clear, that Václav Factor, similarly to the Turkish illegal more than 20 years ago, is being protected by forces that stand above the law.

– To this day, I have not been questioned by the Czech police and he have not been allowed to access my case files for several months.
– On the day when my lawyer was finally allowed to access the case files, officers from the Prague-country-south department of the Czech police raided my house. During the house search, they thoroughly inspected my Kurdish archive and confiscated my CD’s and DVD’s, all of them at least 7 years old. The confiscated items could not be by any chance connected to the current ongoing case. The search warrant was issued despite me never being accused of any crime, and hence this warrant was in direct contradiction with Constitution of the Czech Republic.

Even more, I had to go through the entire 11 hours long unconstitutional ordeal, despite the fact that I was at the time of the house search seriously ill. A condition where the Czech police were well aware of. During the house search, Václav Faktor again called me several times and was sending me various text messages, as if he has was being coordinated by the Czech police.

– It is at least suspicious, that the unconstitutional search warrant was issued and house search carried out less than three weeks after I wrote an open letter addressed to the director of BIS (Czech intelligence service). This letter contained a detailed critical analysis of how some of its agents among the ranks of Czech justice, police and advocacy were abusing their positions to illegally pursue their own interests. Two weeks before the raid, I also sent a letter to the Czech Minister of interior, in which he called the methods of Czech police “fascizoid“.

– The house search is clearly an act that the Czech police is going to exploit to fabricate some charge ex post as in the 90’s.

– To criminalize and discredit myself, as well as for some additional unlawful objectives, the Czech state administration is exploiting my wife, who is suffering from a mental disorder and my minor daughter.
– The director of Central Bohemian police department, which is a governing body of Prague-country-south department, that raided my house, and under whose field of action arises both mine and Václav Faktor’s hometowns is no other than (now police colonel) Václav Kučera!
– In my opinion, the reasons and motivation for the unlawful methods, that the Czech state administration, some Czech courts and some Czech judges are employing against me, and for exploiting the mental illness of my wife are as follows:

1) My pro-Kurdish involvement in various aspects of the public life.
2) My lawsuits against the Czech Republic, in which I am seeking a compensation for the  losses, that the Czech republic caused me during the 13 year-long pointless case.

What other conspiracies do the responsible institutions of the Czech Republic, which is member of the United Nations, NATO and European Union and which supposedly adheres to the principles of law and democracy have in store for myself?

What’s more interesting is that the methods mentioned above are employed by the same people in the same manner as 20 years ago.  Should I prepare for another 13 years of ruined life, when the same unlawful methods as 20 years ago are being used against me?
úterý 18.8.2015 9:57 (poslední aktualizace: úterý 18.8.2015 10:24) | karma článku: 5.26 | přečteno  165 x
