The Turkish AKP regime started a war on 20 January against Afrin, a predominantly Kurdish enclave in northern Syria. Several dozen organizations and individuals have signed a call to stop these hostilities immediately (list below). You can also sign the call, which you will find below, via
On Saturday, January 27, 2018, a public action will take place at 2 pm in front of Brussels Central Station, to protest against the military actions of the Turkish regime. Several signatories of the call will be present and take the floor.
You can support this important anti-war campaign by signing the call and/or taking part in the action in Brussels on Saturday. Your voice can make a difference!
Thank you for your support,
The signers of the call ‘Stop the Turkish aggression war against Afrin!’
CALL: Stop the Turkish aggression war against Afrin!
On 20 January, the Turkish AKP regime and its militias started a war against Afrin, an enclave in northern Syria with a democratic, multicultural and gender equal autonomous government. Afrin never posed a threat to Turkey. As a result of this aggression, dozens of civilians have already been killed and injured. Afrin was one of the more quiet places in northern Syria and a safe place for hundreds of thousands of refugees from other parts of the Syrian state.
The population of Afrin and its many refugees are at the mercy of the Turkish state and international and regional powers that are playing a perverse geopolitical game. And yet, it was because of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Kurdish self-protection units, together with international support, that the so-called Islamic State was defeated in northern Syria. Now they are being left to their fate.
We ask Belgium, the EU and the international community to:
– condemn the war being waged by the Turkish regime
– stop the arms trade with Turkey
– urgently take measures leading to an end of hostilities and the withdrawal of Turkish troops- start diplomatic initiatives that will result in a sustainable truce and political negotiations
– help guarantee freedom of expression and association in the Turkish state
Signatures (on 29/01/18)
- Vrede vzw
- Koerdisch Instituut vzw
- Vredesactie
- Info-Turk
- FOS – Socialistische Solidariteit
- Masereelfonds
- Victoria DeLuxe
- Rojava Solidarity – Kobane is niet alleen
- Solidarity For All
- Soroptimisten
- ‘t Uilekot vzw
- Ateliers du Soleil
- vzw Werkgroep Vluchtelingen Gent
- LABO vzw
- EODP (European Observatory for Democracy and Peace)
- Armenian National Committee of Belgium, CDCA Belgique
- Association des Arméniens Démocrates de Belgique
- Centre communautaire laïc juif David Susskind (CCLJ)
- Institut Assyrien de Belgique
- Institut Kurde de Bruxelles asbl
- Nav-Bel
- HDK-België (Democratic Congress of the Peoples)
- Volkshuis/Halk Evi/Mala Gel
- SKB (Socialistische Vrouwen Unie)
- Linkse Socialistische Partij (LSP)
- Actief Linkse Studenten (ALS)
- SAP – Gauche anticapitaliste
- VSB (Vlaams Socialistische Beweging)
- LEF (Links Ecologisch Forum)
- Secours Rouge
- VRAK Aktie Vredesbelasting
- Hugo Van Rompaey, Honorary Senator
- Jo De Leeuw, activiste
- Willy Kuijpers, ere-Vlaams Volksvertegenwoordiger
- Jean Pierre Cravatte
- Isabelle Rossaert (PEN Vlaanderen)
- Orhan KILIÇ Koerdische activist
- Karin Verelst, filosofe, VUB
- Robrecht Vanderbeeken, acod cultuur
- Saddie Choua, sociologe, activiste, kunstenares
- Peter Terryn, activist
- Niko Buiten, Haarlem (Nederland)
- Filip De Bodt Gemeenteraadslid LEEF! Herzele
- Willy Mebis, Genk, Vrienden Welat Grnk
- Driessen Helena, Genk, Vrienden Welat Grnk
- Peter van Wetter, verpleegkundige
- Kariane Westrheim, Professor University of Bergen, Norway, Chairperson EUTCC
- Ramon Emmaneel, Activist
- Mas Atcheba
- Ludo De Witte, auteur
- Egbert Rooze, doctor theologie en activist
- Willem Cartigny, Utrecht, Ned.
- Marcello Devondel
- Olivier Stein, Lawyer, Progress Lawyers Network
- Rachid Moumni, Amazigh activist
- Rik Delva
- Bilal Mastroianni
You can also sign the call via