14/10/2007, Kurdish Singer Nizamettin Ariç in concert

Nizamettin Ariç, classic Koerdish song sunday 14 oktober 2007 – 8h30 PM – 12 Euro pre sale – 15 Euro doors (reduction 9 EURO pre sale – 11 EURO doors) Nizamettin Ariç is a Kurdish singer and film director. He was born at Turkish...

11/09/2007, 27th Dark Anniversary of the 1980 Coup in Turkey

 Communiqué by four organizations issued from political emigration coming from Turkey: September 12, 2007 is the 27th dark anniversary of the 1980 Military Coup. For 27 years, despite all protests and demands of democratic forces, parliamentary powers have...

19/07/2007, We want the democratisation in Turkey: The Kurds

We ask the Turkish authorities and the European leaders to do justice to the Kurds in Turkey by acceding to their legitimate demands in order to ensure regional peace and stability, and to consider the fulfilment of those demands to be an essential criterion by which...

22/05/2007, Shivan Perwer in Concert

Sivan Perwer, le grand chanteur kurde, se produira dans la cadre du festival Bal des Bals, aux Halles de Schaerbeek, le 2 juin prochain.N’hÃ(c)sitez pas à diffuser les e-flyers auprès des amateurs.Beste,Kan U nota nemen van het volgende? De...