Co-mayors of Sur and Silvan districts from the Democratic Regoins Party (DBP – Demokratik Bölgeler Partisi) were taken into custody during a simultaneous police raid in Diyarbakır. Co-mayors of Sur Seyid Narin and Fatma Şık Barut; Co-mayors of Silvan Yüksel Bodakçı and Melikşah Teke together with the Sur district co-chair of the DBP and many other DBP members are still under arrest.
The civilians are being victimized through the oppressions in the streets and neighbourhoods in Lice, Silvan, Varto, Silopi and Şemdinli for days now. The arrest of politicians and elected mayors of these towns and villages where the assaults for devastation is ongoing is unacceptable. The elected politicians and mayors should be released without any further delay.
Especially the pro-AKP media has been targeting the elected politicians and mayors for days, through untrue information, irrelevant to the reality. This attitude that targets the mayors and other elected politicians and puts their life in danger is unacceptable.
We know well that the recent arrests are rooted in the fact that the results of the June 7th elections were not recognized. We condemn and do not accept the arrests which prove insincerity of those who continuously said that they consider the polls important and those who have always pointed out the “national will”.
These politically motivated raids and arrests and physical offences should stop immediately. It is a requisite to stop the ongoing conflict and assaults. Every passing hour and day serves the aggravation of the troubles rather than their alleviation.
Turkey needs peace and resolution; tranquillity and stability. Each step taken in the opposite direction will lead to nothing but the deepening of the problems.
We repeat once again that we can resolve all our problems through dialogue and negotiations. The blockage of the ways of democratic politics has never resolved our problems in recent history, it rather aggravated problems.
Peoples’ Democratic Party
Central Executive Board
19 August 2015
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)-Representation in Europe
46, Rue d’Arlon – 1000-Bruxelles
Tel : +32 2 503 86 19 – –