13u30: Karl Vanlouwe (Belgian senator)
Welcome and introduction
13u45: Dr. Khaled Issa (PYD)
The Kurdish question in Syria
14u00: Dogan Özgüden (Info-Türk)
The role of Turkey
14u15: Q&A
14u30: Ludo De Brabander (Middle-East expert, Flemish Peace movement)
International actors and their allies
14u45: Rudi Vranckx (Middle-East journalist, Flemish Public Broadcasting)
The role of the media
15u: Q&A
15u15: Pause
15u45: Salih Muslim (PYD) & Bernard Kouchner (founder ‘Médecins sans frontières’, former French minister of foreign affairs)
16u30: Q&A
16u50: End
Translation to English and French will be provided
With the support of Centre Maurits Coppieters
Inscriptions and info at of 02/230.34.02
This conference is supported financially by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not responsible for the contents of the conference, nor for the opinions of the speakers.
This conference is a joint initiative of the Kurdish Institute of Brussels, Centre Maurits Coppieters and Karl Vanlouwe