* Already as a secondary school student, and similar to all his family, he was actively involved in various movements that struggled for the basic rights of the Kurds in Turkey.
* 1970: Having completed his secondary school, Uzunoglu arrived to Paris.
* 1971: Studies of the French language at the Institut de Touraine.
* March 1971: The military coup in Turkey meant, for Uzunoglu as well as for others, the impossibility to transfer money from Turkey to finance university studies abroad.
* 1973-1979: Studies at the Faculty of Universal Medicine of Charles University in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
* Close friendships with individuals persecuted and discriminated against from among the Czech followers of the Adventist Church.
* 1975: In coordination with professor of medicine Pavel Martasek, lectures on the "land of the Bible" held in Adventist chapels throughout Czechoslovakia.
* 1975: Participation in a hunger strike at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Prague, where Kurdish students protested against the policy of Czechoslovak leader Gustav Husák that included extraditions of Kurdish students from Czechoslovakia to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
* 1976: With the help from friends from among the Adventist Church in Czechoslovakia, Uzunoglu established clandestine Kurdish publishing house Ararat where he published a number of books, booklets, posters, and leaflets.
* 1977: Uzunoglu refused to pay the bribes demanded by Czechoslovak clerks for the prolongation of his visa, and in result tasted vexation from the country’s authorities.
* 1978: Co-founder of the Kurdish Crescent, a parallel of the Red Cross.
* Autumn 1979: Expelled from Czechoslovakia and arriving to Paris on research scholarship at the Institut Pasteur. Uzunoglu received moral support from the Association France-Kurdistan, among the members of which were: philosopher J.P. Sartre, A. Kastler, L. Schwartz, G. Chaliand, and S. de Beauvoir.
* December 1979: Uzunoglu, accompanied by prominent German law professor Mönch, was received by representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva, as a delegation chairman of the Kurdish Crescent.
* 1979: Involved in the Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) organization, at a time when it was being established.
* March 1980: Leaving for Iran as a physician delegated by the Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) organization, along with Czech doctor Vladimir Štich. Uzunoglu set up a number of field hospitals in Iran.
* October 1980: Working in Iraq as a physician of the Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).
* November 1980: The government of Turkey seized Uzunoglu’s passport. Films shot on his and other doctors’ work in Iran and Iraq were broadcast at that time by 32 television stations throughout the world.
* 1981: Uzunoglu received the status of political prisoner in the Federal Republic of Germany, and studied the German language.
* 1982: Working as a doctor in the Federal Republic of Germany.
* Starting to cooperate with the Amnesty International and the GfbV (Society for Threatened Peoples) in Germany; lectures delivered on the human rights violations and the military dictatorship in Turkey, on Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq; publication of dozens of articles on these issues in different countries.
* 1983: Co-founder of the first Kurdish institute ever, the Institut Kurde de Paris.
* 1983: Uzunoglu established a similar body in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kurdisches Institut, and became its director. The Kurdisches Institut worked under the auspices of a number of world’s prominent personalities, such as French mathematician Laurent Schwarz, holder of the Nobel Prize for physics Alfred Kastler, Belgium’s parliament speaker and Leuven University president Eduard Leemans, holders of the Nobel Prize for literature Heinrich Böll and Günter Grass, German Green Party’s leading member Petra Kelly, and many others.
* 1986: Participation in the establishment of the Kurdish Library in New York, and taking part in numerous seminars in the U.S.
* 1986: Stripped off the citizenship of Turkey.
* 1987: Author of the project of Kurdish broadcasting at the Radio Monte Carlo that has worldwide reception. The project was implemented with the help from a Protestant church, at a time when the Kurdish language was banned in Turkey.
* 1987-1988: Lectures held throughout Europe on subjects related to Kurds, human rights, cultural rights of minorities, rights of the Roma, and the need to provide psychotherapy to survivors of torture from countries under dictatorship.
* From late 1988 on: Uzunoglu became the target of attacks by Islamist fanatics from Iran and Turkey, a fascist party in Turkey, and supporters of Saddam Hussein.
* Late 1988: Return to the profession of doctor. Uzunoglu also set up a trade company that could help him, as he had hoped, in funding his narrow-scope publications.
* 1989: First conflict with foreign trade trusts in Czechoslovakia, in which he exposed that some of them had been financing terrorist activities in West Europe and Turkey.
* 1990: Based on a request from his friends in Czechoslovakia’s Charter 77 circles, Uzunoglu entered an active fight against criminals engaged in human trafficking. He published an article on the subject in the Czech weekly Respekt, No. 4 / 1990.
* September 1990: Uzunoglu set up a branch of his Germany-based trade company in Czechoslovakia.
* 1991: In Prague’s Culture Palace, Uzunoglu organized a series of international seminars on the economic reforms in Czechoslovakia, with a frequent lecturer there being today’s president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus. Uzunoglu funded these events from his private resources.
* 1991: Uzunoglu published dozens of articles in the Czechoslovak press on defending human rights in the world.
* 1992: Uzunoglu substantially contributed to paving the way toward a bilateral agreement between Czechoslovakia and Turkey on combating the organized crime.
* 1993: For a first time in 23 years, Uzunoglu was allowed to visit his relatives in Turkey.
* 1993: Co-author of the book "Economic Prospects of the Czech Republic," along with a number of leading Czech economists.
* 1993: Establishment of new trade and production companies in the Czech Republic, Germany, and Turkey.
* August 1994: Agreement signed with the Skoda Praha company, entitling a firm owned by Uzunoglu to become the exclusive representative of Skoda Praha for all the Middle East.
* September 13, 1994: On charges that have never been proved, Uzunoglu was arrested by members of the organized-crime unit of the Czech police.
* March 12, 1996: Released from the custody in Prague’s Ruzyne jail. Uzunoglu spent the total of two and a half years in custody, with the last half year being held upon consent of the Czech High Court. While in custody, Uzunoglu’s civil rights have been repeatedly violated, and he was even maltreated.
* Autumn 1996: Uzunoglu was granted the citizenship of Germany, receiving thus an demonstration of solidarity, especially as Germany delivered the citizenship document to Prague’s Ruzyne jail.
* Spring 1997: Released from the jail in Ruzyne.
* May 1997: Visiting his family in Turkey but prevented to leave the country in a period from June to October 1997.
* 1998: Continuing to file complaints and initiate charges to prosecute individual members of the Czech police, the Supreme Prosecutors Office, and others who stood behind the mismanagements in his case. During the same period, Uzunoglu’s house was burnt in arson and his cars repeatedly exposed to deliberate damage.
* 1998-2006: Uzunoglu has continued to fight for receiving a fair trial in the case that would result in nullifying the charges against him.
* 2006, March: An open letter of 13 Czech personalities "We accuse" addressed to the Czech Parliament, Senate, Government and Judicial Authorities on Uzunoglu case.