When we asked what kind of medical supplies, we got “everything” as an answer. Analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, sterile bandages, antiseptics, burn ointment, … but also contraceptives, milk powder, sanitary napkins or diapers … there is a shortage of everything!
We will take care of the logistical organization in Belgium (collecting, checking, sorting, …), while we will cooperate with the Kurdish Red Crescent to help us locally (further sorting, control and distribution), but all sorts of medicines and medical and/or hygienic material are urgently needed!
Can you help us one way or another, for example with drugs (which can be kept for at least half a year , with leaflet, … and which meet the requirements of the World Health Organization), medical and /or hygienic material , do not hesitate to contact us!
You can reach us by telephone at the number +32/(0)2/230.34.02 or via mail at koerdisch.instituut@ skynet.be
You can also make a donation to the account of the Kurdish Institute
BE35 8538 5112 7037 BIC: SPAABE22, Stating: “Kurdish regions in Syria”
With the proceeds we will purchase the most essential medicines through Orbi-Pharma, a Belgian non-profit organization that specializes in providing medicines to people in emergency situations.
Any help is welcome anyway!
Kurdish Institute Brussels
Brussels, 08/11/2012