Published by Kurdish Question, 20 January 2016
Speaking at a meeting with neighbourhood and village guards today, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan vowed, “Neither the separatist terror organisation (PKK), nor the party under its control (HDP), nor other structures will ever be accepted as interlocutors. That affair is over.”
Ending any hopes of a return to the negotiation table, which the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has been calling for amidst sieges by state forces and the killing of hundreds of civilians, Erdoğan said they would entirely liquidate Kurdish fighters from North Kurdistan (SE Turkey) adding:
“Their organisation (HDP), deputies and municipalities will answer to the judiciary for what they have done. We will put the region back on its feet again, along with our nation. We will sit with our nation and our citizens after our security forces have entirely liquidated terrorists in the region and we will decide what is to be done for a radical solution to this issue. We will implement this.”
Contributing to Turkey’s long-time discourse about the PKK being under the control of foreign powers, which is used to foment hate against Kurds by labelling them as traitorsErdoğan remarked:
“We know that the only goal of the separatist terror organisation is to fulfil the duty it has been tasked with by its master and completing the contract it has been given,” Erdoğan said on Jan. 20.