Iran executes Kurdish political prisoner Sabir Moane. Photo:
Kurdish Human Rights Advocacy Group| Press Release —
The Kurdish Human Rights Advocacy Group expresses its outrage at and condemns the brutal execution of Kurdish political prisoner Sabir Moklid Moane at the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran on January 6, 2015 in a prison in Urmiye. According to Kurdish Human Rights activists Mr. Moane “was executed at dawn.” on the familiar charges of “enmity against God and undermining national security”.
This execution is not unprecedented as the Islamic Republic greeted the New Year with chronicles of new executions. He had been arrested in early summer of 2013, charged with membership in an unnamed political party. In November 2014 he had joined a hunger strike in Urmiye prison, objecting to mixing of convicts and abusive offenders with political prisoners, who were being subjected to physical and psychological torture and abuse. Reportedly among hundreds of Kurdish prisoners that there are at least 25 other prisoners whose executions are imminent. These prisoners will suffer the same fate if the international community does not take action promptly. The punishments for ethnic and religious minorities are even more draconian. As pointed out by Dr. Shaheed, the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran, “Members of ethnic-minority groups, in particular those espousing ethno-cultural, linguistic or minority religious rights, appear to be disproportionately charged with moharebeh[ enmity against God] and mofsedfel-arz [ decadent of earth], sometimes seemingly for exercising their rights to peaceful expression.”
The UN Secretary-General in March 2014, revealed his dismay at the abysmal condition of human rights in Iran when he implicated Hassan Rouhani, the president of the Islamic Republic for “the sharp rise in executions and continued “application of the death penalty….”. Dr. Shaheed’s report in the October of 2014 gave as gruesome and gloomy an image as that of the Secretary General’s. Dr. Shaheed had noted “Between July 2013 and June 2014, at least 852 individuals were reportedly executed representing an alarming increase in the number of executions in relation to the already-high rates of previous years.” The international Community on November 18, in its Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural) once again highlighted the gravity of troubling human rights in the country with no signs of improvement. Those troubling reports of 2014 are now recurring in 2015 as reconfirmed by the execution of Mr. Moane and the imminent threat of other executions.
We express our deepest concern at continuing human rights violations in Iran, particularly the executions of political prisoners, their torture and inhumane treatment and call upon the international community, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Special Rapporteur on Iran, and UN Secretary General to vigorously pursue their critical scrutiny of flagrant human rights violations in Iran and exert increasing pressure on the regime to halt the executions of political prisoners.
Dr.Amir Sharifi
President of the Kurdish Human Rights Advocacy Group
January 7, 2015
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