I thank Gulan very much for arranging this important Event about Faylee Kurds and for
kindly inviting me to speak about the situation and culture of Faylee Kurds.
I would like to thank the Trustees of Gulan, especially Mrs. Sarah Panizzose very much
indeed for the great interest and engagement she has shown during the preparations
for this Event. I would also like to thank Ms. Carla Garnelas and Mr. David Carrington
for their effort in arranging this Event. I would like to thank Della Murad whom I was in
contact with from the beginning and for her energetic involvement as well as her
husband Mr. Ahmad.
My thanks also go to Dr. Khanna Omarkhali and Prof. Dr. Adnan Abbas for putting us in
touch with each other.
I want to thank you for attending this Event and for your interest in the history,
situation and culture of Faylee Kurds.
For more read look the PDF file