Referring to the Roboski massacre which claimed the lives of 34 Kurdish civilians on 28 December 2011, Kisanak remarked that the perpetrators have neither been disclosed nor taken to court and that nobody has apologized from Kurds for the massacre so far in the last one year.
BDP co-chair pointed out that the government had held no meetings with the BDP during the talks in Oslo about the solution of the Kurdish issue or PKK’s disarmament, and she criticized state officials for creating a misperception by claiming that talks are being held with the party as well. “The government has never asked to talk with the BDP in this respect. On the other hand, it is not right for the government – she underlined – to call on the BDP through media to take part in the negotiation process as they can reach the BDP, a party in the parliament, any time would they be interested in a real solution: our party has never avoided talks”.
Kisanak stated that the “security” methods adopted have proved failing because the government has left Kurdish issue’s rights and freedoms aspect aside focusing instead on policies for forcing the PKK to decomission. “We all know – she said – how the security concept has failed to solve the problems and furthermore aggravated them. It is obvious that the government’s countless calls for PKK’s disarmament have produced no result and revealed the necessity for a solution plan. Mr. Öcalan, the jailed leader of the PKK, presented a road map for a solution during the Oslo process, as the Turkish public knows well. However, we have no idea about what the government is proposing”.
Kisanak added that “When looking at the practice of the government, it can easily be seen that it is has no solution plan and that it should therefore present a solution policy to Kurds, to the Turkish society and to everyone. If they have a true solution proposal, they should put it on the table and convey it to the public opinion, to Mr. Öcalan and to the BDP so that we and the Turkish public opinion can have the opportunity to discuss it.”
Remarking that the solution of the Kurdish issue and silence of PKK’s arms are completely different issues, Kisanak added that; “Decomission could be a part of the Kurdish issue’s solution but it is questionable whether this can happen unless the government puts an articulate proposal on the table, paying attention to what needs to be done on the basis of rights and freedoms and take into consideration the will and proposals of the Kurdish people. A mere search for the removal of the PKK’s arms will produce no result. The government should start talking about the unfair treatment of Kurds and promote a new policy”.
Kisanak: Government has no solution for Kurds