45aaf981fff292883c40503ad7aacc6cd1a16137ISTANBUL – ANF – Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 9:30 AM

It has been reported that 12 persons, who would serve as observers of the HDP at the ballot boxes in two districts of Istanbul during the elections on Sunday, have been detained early this morning, while the HDP is preparing to hold the last election rallies in Sancaktepe and Pendik districts of Istanbul today.

Police raided this morning many houses in Çekmeköy and Sancaktepe districts of Istanbul. According to initial reports, two persons were detained in Çekmeköy district while the other 10 detainees were taken from their houses in Sancaktepe district.

HDP executive Dilek Keskin has confirmed that all the detainees were set to be the observers on behalf of the HDP at the ballot boxes in the mentioned districts during the election day.

HDP executives say that the number of the detentions against its election observers might increase today, one day prior to the election, in order to leave the ballot boxes without HDP observers and thus prepare the ground for probable frauds.