HPG (People’s Defense Forces) and Women’s Guerrilla Army YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) forces have mobilized to go to Sinjar for the protection of civilians from ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) gangs after PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) Executive Committee Member Murat Karayilan said in an interview to Stêrk TV on 4 August that guerrilla forces will respond to the attacks on the people of Sinjar.

Answering the call of Ezidi people to HPG and YPG to send their forces and defend Sinjar, HPG and YJA STAR guerrillas who have left for Sinjar from Media Defense Areas said they were ready to protect the values and gains of the Kurdish people, in any part of the Kurdistan territory, and that they had the power and experience to achieve this.

The Kurdish guerrillas affiliated to HPD and YJA STAR said the followings regarding their mobilization for Sinjar;

Baran Sason: We are going to Sinjar as it is an honor for us to fight for our people who have expectations from us. We are going there to defend our people who are facing the threat of massacre by ISIS gangs. We will go anywhere we are needed in Kurdistan. We will do whatever is necessary, and fight for our people and Kurdistan to the last drop of blood.

Welat Afrin: As guerrillas of the PKK and members of the HPG, we are going to Sinjar to defend our people. Sinjar is a sacred place for us and its defense is very important for us. ISIS is waging a dirty war in Sinjar just like in many other regions. As HPG fighters, we are going there to give a fight against them, and to fight to protect our honor, Ezidi people and our lands.

Eris Hewreman: As a HPG guerrilla, I am going to Sinjar to fight against ISIS gangs that have launched an attack against Sinjar. As HPG forces, we are ready to fight for any area in Kurdistan. Ezidi people have an ancient belief and ISIS recognizes no rights for other beliefs. As PKK fighters, we are determined to protect our Ezidi people to the last drop of blood.

Mazlum Baskale: As the protection army of Leader Apo [Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan], HPG forces are prepared to fight gainst ISIS gangs that are carrying out major attacks against our people in South Kurdistan.

Serhat Cilo (Group Commander): HPG forces hold themselves responsible for the protection of the entire Kurdistan territory. From our point of view, it makes no difference in which part of our land we are fighting. We attach importance to Ezidi people’s call to HPG and PKK, and we will therefore manifest our power and do our best for the protection of our people. With this feeling we are taking our way to Sinjar.

Devrim Palo (Group Manager): As ISIS gangs have been attacking our people in Rojava for a long time, our movement had anticipated a follow-up of these attacks in South Kurdistan as well, and prepared its forces against these probable attacks for some time now. The point we focused on within this process has been to break the wave of attacks and to defend our people in any part of Kurdistan. Upon the call of our movement following the recent attacks on Sinjar, a large group of guerrillas are heading to Sinjar now. HPG and PKK forces will be anywhere they are needed to fight against not only ISIS but also all reactionary powers. We bear the power and experience to protect the values and gains of the Kurdish people.

Sema Serhat (Group Commander) :The Kurdish people, women and children are being massacred, while also women are being captured and abducted during the brutal attacks targeting them. As YJA-STAR and HPG members, we will make every effort to protect our people who have been subjected to repression and exploitation for thousands of years now. We hereby repeat our promise to enhance the struggle and not to remain silent in the face of the attacks our people are suffering from.

Ferhat Botan: We are heading to Sinjar where ISIS gangs are launching intense attacks against our people. As HPG guerrillas, it is not possible for us to remain silent in the face of these attacks. We are determined to step up our freedom struggle in Sinjar and to liberate our people there.

Demhat Amed: I joined guerrilla ranks six years ago. In great enthusiasim, we are going to Sinjar to fight against the enemies and to liberate our people.

Amara Kawele: We firstly greet the Rojava resistance. Our people should know that the guerrilla always stand by them and will fight to the last drop of blood, without ever leaving them alone. I am having a difficulty in expressing my feelings now. I will fight and protect our people as best as I can.

Warsin Rojava: We are taking our way to Sinjar to defend our people there, as well as those in Rojava and the South. Success is the only motivation and determination we have.