Speaking at Human Rights Association(IHD)’s “Let the disappeared be found, perpetrators be judged” action, IHD Diyarbakir Branch Manager Lawyer Serdar Çelebi said that the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) unilateral ceasefire demands answer from the government.
The action named “Let the disappeared be found, perpetrators be judged”, is organized every week by IHD and the relatives of disappeared people, and it has entered its 80th week. During the action, which was also participated by civil society organization representatives, demonstrators carried photos of the disappeared and banners saying “Where are these people?”, “Is peace so difficult?”, “Don’t sacrifice children”. In his speech, IHD Diyarbakir Branch Manager Lawyer Serdar Çelebi remarked that in the 80th week of their initiative, they haven’t been given an answer to their calls for the clarification of the consequences and for the judgment of the perpetrators.
Çelebi said that they have been struggling against the unidentified murders and abuses of right for years with documents on their hands, adding; “If the government wants, we can help it enlighten the unidentified murders with the documents we have.” Concerning the decision of the PKK to call for a truce unilaterally, he said that “PKK’s decision is a positive democratic step but the ceasefire cannot be unilateral. The government is supposed to take a positive step.”, said Çelebi.
At the action this week, the story of Resul Saçan was told. He was kidnapped by unidentified people on his way home in 1994 in Batman. After reading the story, Çelebi demanded the clarification of the consequences to Saçan.
Translator: Berna Ozgencil