1952 Iraqi Kurdistan

1972- 1980 Actor, director and writer Kurdish program’s state broadcast, Baghdad
1976 Bachelor of Dramatic Arts in acting, Baghdad
1980 Fear, Solo performance Writer, director and actor
         Suffering of a madman, play.
1981 In the Netherlands
1982 Play ‘Fear’, Writer, director
1982-1985 Study since of Theatre University of Amsterdam, doctoral degree
1985-1988 Professor since of theatre University of Amsterdam
1985-1987 Solo performance: Between two Paradises, text and acting
1987 Mem and Zin, play
1988 The eternal officer, play, Writer, director and actor
1990-1995 policymaker ministry of Welfare and Culture
1995-Now Artistic advisor, Program director of Audio Visual services Dutch ministry of defence 
1988-now    Freelance journalist


1978 short tv-film Think an end of this performance, Writer, director and actor
1991 Three figures of a mountain man who desire to become a seal, short feature film 38m, screenwriter and actor
1993 A silent traveller, long feature film, screenwriter and director
1995/now: Director of about 80 short films (non-broadcast film).
2008 Omet, long feature film, Producer, director, actor, screenwriter and editor


1979 Mine, short story bundle in Kurdish, Baghdad
1979 A fool changes the epic of Mem and Zin, play, Bagdad.
1987 Mem and Zin, Play, Amsterdam
1998 The dance of a frozen country, poetry bundle, Breda
2000 And the sae split in two, novel, Haarlem
2000 Freedom is dead, poetry bundle, Haarlem
2002 I thought about the coconut, novel , Haarlem
2006 Tender souls, novel, Amsterdam
2007 Looking for brave heart, essays and poems, Amsterdam