The Supreme Kurdish Council meets the national committee of civil peace and protection to discuss the issue of Serê-Kaniyê
Serê-Kaniyê– On the 5th of February, the Supreme Kurdish Council met the national committee of civil peace and protection in Serê-Kaniyê,.
The talks were initiated on Tuesday 11:30 AM. Mishel Kilo, Ali Naser, Abdulbari Othman, Tamim Alzahed and YaserIyada represented te national committee of civil peace and protection. Ilham Ahmad, Abdulsalam Ahmad, Ismail Hame, Ahmad Suliman and Aldar Khalil represented the Supreme Kurdish council.
Kilo emphasized: there are a lot of international and regional forces that do not want a democratic change, neither the Kurds or anyone else in Syria want a regime that only serves and protects sectarian interest. Kilo also added that if the situation continues as it has in Syria the revolution that was filled with hope will deteriorate and convert itself to a civil war as in the case of the Lebanese civil war.
The Supreme Kurdish Council has presented its demands, the demands are:
– The Supreme Kurdish Council is responsible for this regions management/administration in cooperation with other components of the region.
– All armed groups, from both side, are to withdraw from the city and to remove all military equipment
– A shared civilian administration by the people of Serê-Kaniyê is to be implemented
– transportation for people and goods from/to Serê-Kaniyê is to be secured.
– Injured people and damages to property in Serê-Kaniyê is to be compensated
After lengthy and positive discussions both delegations expressed their assurance to relax the crises in Serê-Kaniyê.  It was decided that the delegation of the national committee of civil peace and protection will mediate in talks between the armed groups and the Supreme Kurdish Council.
Consultancy meeting between Relation Committee of the supreme Kurdish council and Arabic Youth congregation
Qamishlo – A consultancy meeting was held yesterday night between the Relation Committee of the supreme Kurdish council and the Arabic Youth congregation.
The objective of the meeting was to hold an extended discussion as soon as possible for all political congregations in the region and to discuss the possibility to form a preparation committee to administer common policies in the region and to agree upon a shared vision in the hope of creating a unified political stand to face current and future challenges.
Representatives of The Supreme Kurdish Council and other Kurdish parties held a consultancy meeting with  Arabic clans in Shiukh-Foqani town
Kobani – The meeting was called for by the Al-ttai clan in Shiukh-Foqani town, it was attended by the representatives of the Supreme Kurdish Council, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), the Kurdish Democratic Union Party in Syria, the Arabic Al-aon clan and also representatives from the cities of Jarablos, Serin and Menbej.
TEV-DEM: Regime Army and armed group must leave Al-ashrafiah district and release arrested people
Qamishlo – The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) has issued a statement to the public and media. It condemns the massacre committed by the Syrian regime against the unarmed civilians in the neighborhood of Ashrafieh in Aleppo, it states that the Kurdish people is part of the popular and peaceful revolution of the Syrian people, it supports the demands for freedom and dignity and calls on the armed groups and the Syrian army to withdraw their fighters from the Kurdish neighborhood, to stop their attacks, and to release detainees. The statement also called for the international community and humanitarian organizations to resume responsibility by intervening to protect civilians.
The Supreme Kurdish Council: To form a government or something similar is not in our agenda
Qamishlo  – The spokesman of the Supreme Kurdish Council ‘’Ahmad Suliman’’  has denied  the rumours about a transient government being announced in the Kurdish area. In a statement the Supreme Kurdish Council clarifies that it only serves to build civil organizations in order to mitigate the crises and to fill the administration and security gap in the community.  Suliman announced that the Councils efforts are strictly aimed to cover the societal needs of all people in the region. According to Suliman; “When the council was first established by Kurds it was determined to preserve and promote ethnic and religious diversity. It is trying to state an example of brotherhood and coexistence which has existed in the Kurdish regions for hundreds of years. The council realizes that the region must be managed by all components of society in the coming stages and it will cooperate with everybody when comes to security as well as other issues.”
He also stated: “the allegation of forming a government or something similar is false, this is not part of our plans and it is a distortion of the Supreme Kurdish Councils activities. Allegations like these only serve to create a situation of distrust and conflict between regions different components’’.
Teaching of the Kurdish language continues in schools in Derik
In coordination with The National Kurdish Student confederation the Kurdish language establishment is teaching the Kurdish language in the second half of the year and is pursuing its goal to make the Kurdish language a formal language in the country.
Although the bombarding and massacres … Kurdish language establishment distributes the certificates to the sixth batch of the first level in Aleppo
In sheikh-Maqsoud district Kurdish language establishment have distributed the certificates for the sixth batch of the first level which consists of 30 students.
The repercussions of the violence in Syria
Numbers of  dead increased to 20 in Al-ashrafya massacre
Aleppo – Due to warplane bombing and Syrian army artillery, the number of dead rose to 20. The latest dead to be found were the Kurdish citizens Ayoub Sobhi Aref and his wife Fatima Baker Habash. Their bodies were found under their the ruins of their house in Badina district. Their home was hit by a mortar shell in the clashes between the regime army and the free Syrian army.
Syrian regime is seizing humanitarian aid sent to the Kurdish districts in Aleppo
Aleppo – Regime supporters in the form of Shabiha have seized a lorry loaded with humanitarian aids nearby Bagdad station barrier, the aid was heading to Sheikh Maqsoud district to be distributed it to poor families. A christian businessman from Sulimaniah district witnessed that the regimes Shabiha seized the lorry which was transported by Christian business men to the poorer families in Sheikh Maqsoud, the lorry was loaded by 2.5 tons of food.
Four wounded Shabihas and 9 regime soldiers arrested after an attack on YPG check-point
Aleppo –at 9:00 am on Friday morning the Syrian regimes armed thug-gangs also known as Shabiha attacked a YPG check-point nearby Aljazyra station in Sheikh Maqsoud district, using medium and light weapons. YPG fighters defended the attack which resulted in four wounded Shabihas. During the clash a group of Syrian army soldiers tried to intervene, but asayish forces (local police) supported YPG and arrested 9 regime army soldiers and confiscated their weapons.
Also in Alashrafia –Aleppo some Syrian regime intelligence members raided a few houses and arrested civilians under the pretext of looking for weapons and armed groups
Kidnapping a Kurdish citizen on Aleppo-Damascus highway and another one in Zorava district in Damascus
Ahmad Hassan Khalo, 38 years old, from Belbele town- Qastal Khedro village, was kidnapped on the Aleppo – Damascus highway. He has been kidnapped for 13 days!
Ciwan Rustom Rustom has been kidnapped since the 26-1-2013 in Zorava district – Damascus, he was kidnapped while in Damascus to acquire medicine for his sick father.
Remnants of mercenary groups confirm once again to the Turkish state intervention in Serê Kaniyê
Serê Kaniyê- More and more evidence of the Turkish involvement in Serê Kaniyê is surfacing. Turkish ambulances were carrying Turkish officers and ammunition to Serê Kaniyê and the death of one intelligence agent in the city was a clear evidence, moreover remnants of armed groups who were defeated by the resistance of  the YPG in Serê-Kaniyê .

Services in Western Kurdistan
Kurdish Red Crescent in Amude and Derbasye cities provides assistance to citizens and displaced people
After opening its formal office in Amude, the Kurdish Red Crescent has initiated its activities by visiting refugees who are being housed in several schools in Amude and Derbasye  medical support has been provide to them. Doctors examined the children, women and elders, providing them with required medicine.
People Protection units (YPG) disarms IEDs in Serê-Kaniyê and the popular council is reforming the electricity grid
YPG is continuing to protect the people in the city and is defusing IEDs that have been planted by armed groups in the neighborhoods of the city and in sacred religious sites.
The Peoples council is also continuing its services in the city by reforming the electricity network which was sabotaged by armed groups.
Kurdish Economic Council gives aid to citizens in Serê-Kaniyê
Qamishlo- Yesterday the Kurdish Economic council of Western Kurdistan donated aid to the people of Serê-Kaniyê. The aid was distributed via the Kurdish Red Crescent in the form of food and other goods.
1000 baskets has been distributed, each food basket consists of 2kg of lentils, 2kg sugar, 2kg rice, 4 bags of spaghetti, 1 liter of oil and a quarter kilo of tea. 
Distribution of financial assistance to Al-Asayish members and checkpoints members who were affected by the bombing
Aleppo- On Monday the Economic council distributed financial aids to members of Asayish and the Peoples Protection Units (YPG) members as well as to the families of martyrs and victims of the bombings and shelling.
In addition, the committee has distributed financial aid which was provided by the Party of Free Life in Eastern Kurdistan (PJAK) to Western Kurdistan.
The Civil peace council in Tel-Tamr city delivers cattle station management to a special committee in order to protect it
According to sources, YPG gave armed groups that robbed cattle station notice to leave. After armed groups left, some other groups of Sharabia Clan went to the station in order to get it under their control. But after efforts undertaken by the civil peace council, a meeting was held at church to see how to manage the station and to set up an agreement. They agreed to deliver the cattle station to a special committee tasked with protecting the plant and consisting of 24 people, 12 of them are Arabs and 12 of them are Kurds.
Service committee in the supreme Kurdish council distributes flour in villages of Girkê Legê region
Services committee distributed 16kg of flour to each family in the villages of Girkê Legê
Demonstrations in Western Kurdistan to condem the massacres committed by regime’s forces
Mass demonstration in Al Hassake condemns  the massacres of Al Ashrafye and the attacks on Serê-Kaniyê
Al Hassake- a mass demonstration in the city of Al Hassake came out to denounce and condemn the massacres committed by the Syrian regime forces in Ashrafye district and the criminal acts perpetrated against the people of Western Kurdistan.
Thousands in Derbasiye participate in the funeral of YPG member Abid Ibrahim
On Sunday, thousands of people gathered in front of the Health Centre in Derbasiye to participate in the funeral of Abid Ibrahim( member of YPG) who was martyred in Serê-Kaniyê during the attacks that took place in the city.
Qamishlo- thousands of people are mourning the death of Alaa Kasem
Thousands of people in Qamishlo participated in the funeral of the martyr Alaa Kasem who lost his life after suffering wounds on the 24th of January in  the clashes that took place between the YPG and armed groups in Serê-Kaniyê.
Hundreds of Syriac community members are mourning the death of the young man ‘’Pierre Joseph Rasho’’
Hundreds of syriac community members mourned the death of ‘’Pierre Joseph Rasho’’ and followed him to his final resting place in Cornish neighborhoods in Qamishlo. He lost his life as a result of shelling of a bus in Nabek area in Damascus.