Invitation Press Conference:
The European women and children of DAESH in ROJAVA and North/East Syria, and the role of EUROPE
When: 31/10/2018, at 11:00
Where: Press club, Rue Froissart 95: 1040 Brussels
The representative of the Autonomous Region in Rojava and North/ East Syria together with the Kurdish Institute of Brussels are calling this press conference:
“European women and children of Daesh in Rojava and North/ East Syria, and the role of Europe.”
The fate and safety of the European children who are living in the camps are the responsibility of their respective European governments. The European DAESH fighters have to be tried and punished in their own country.
Speakers at the Press Conference will include:
The representative of The Kurdish Authorities of Syria,
- Dr. Abdul Karim Omar: Minister of Northern and Eastern Syria
and representative of the association for victims of terrorism in Belgium and France,
- Mr. Philippe Vansteenkiste, President of V-Europe
- Prof. Gerrit Loots, Professor Clinical and Life-cycle Psychology at the VUB
It is due to the intense battles waged by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Coalition Against the Islamic State that the territory of the self-proclaimed caliphate has shrunk to 1%.
However, the victories and sacrifices of the SDF come with an unpleasant surprise: Hundreds of the fighters, their wives and children are currently in prison or detention centres in Rojava and North/East Syria and the majority of them are European citizens. What to do with the surviving IS fighters and their families?
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