Iranian military attack on civilian targets in Penjwin, Kurdistan, Iraq Friends of a Free Iran ask the EU to support the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government appeal Today, we received reports confirming that the military offensive of the Iranian armed forces against the area of Penjwin, in Iraqi Kurdistan, continues, causing significant material damage and leading to the local population fleeing from their homes.
Friends of a Free Iran express their full solidarity with the victims of this attack and with the regional authorities of Iraqi Kurdistan (Kurdish Regional Government, KRG), and backs their appeal to?Iran to immediately end the attack.
Friends of a Free Iran demand a clear and firm position from the European Union on behalf of the integrity and protection of the lives of the Penjwin Iraqi citizens, and indeed of Iraqi citizens elsewhere throughout?Iraq. It expects the Allied forces to assume their responsibilities to stop this external aggression against the civilian population of?Iraq.
We note, however, with dismay, that the Maliki Government, always keen to remain in tune with the desires of Teheran, yet again does not seem to show any interest in protecting their own Iraqi citizenry.?
Brussels, 29th August 2007 Paulo Casaca and Struan Stevenson Co-Chairs, Friends of a Free Iran Kurdistan Regional Government – KRG
European Union Mission Rue de la loi 221 1040 Brussels Tel:? +32 2 513 7228 Fax: +32 2 513 3679 Email:? Website:? [30 August 2007]