As you know, Peace in Kurdistan Campaign has been advocating for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to be removed from Turkish and international terrorist lists for many years, and since last year has been jointly running a signature campaign to gather public support for delisting. As we have said, “The case for removing the PKK from the terrorist list is now overwhelming. It is a crucial and necessary step in the peace process, which will struggle to have any legitimacy if the PKK remains isolated and Kurdish citizens are still being systematically arrested. Genuine negotiations cannot happen until the PKK recognised as a legitimate political actor.”
Hundreds of people already support the campaign including prominent lawyers Gareth Pierce and Michael Mansfield QC, and a European-level appeal was initiated in May this year on the grounds that continued listing of the PKK contradict European laws and constitutes an obstacle to the peace process. Now, we aim to expand the signature appeal with a new website that makes it easier than ever to sign your name. We also have a new action – to send the UK Home Secretary, Theresa May, hundred of postcards signed by the public demanding she lift the ban.
SIGN YOUR NAME: Now, it is even easier to support our appeal – go to and sign the appeal!
SEND A POSTCARD TO THERESA MAY: We aim to send the Home Secretary of the UK 500 postcards urging her to lift the ban. You can find out more about it here:
Get in touch with us and we can send you as many postcards as you need.
COLLECT SIGNATURES FOR US: We are always looking for volunteers to hit the streets and find support for the campaign from the public. If you want to help us, get in touch.
SHARE THE CAMPAIGN: Facebook, Twitter…you know what to do!
This appeal was jointly initiated by the Kurdish Community Centre (KCC); Halkevi Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre; Sussex Kurdish Community Centre; Peace in Kurdistan Campaign and Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC)
Peace in Kurdistan
Campaign for a political solution of the Kurdish Question
Email: <>
Contacts Estella Schmid 020 7586 5892 & Melanie Sirinathsingh – Tel: 020 7272 7890
Fax: 020 7263 0596
Patrons: Lord Avebury, Lord Rea, Lord Dholakia, Baroness Sarah Ludford MEP, Jill Evans MEP, Jean Lambert MEP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Hywel Williams MP, Elfyn Llwyd MP, Conor Murphy MP, John Austin, Bruce Kent, Gareth Peirce, Julie Christie, Noam Chomsky, John Berger, Edward Albee, Margaret Owen OBE, Prof Mary Davis, Mark Thomas
New website launched: