On October 11, 2022, the “Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union” organized a successful event. The focus was on the immersive exhibition and ‘virtual reality’ experience under the name “Nobody’s Listening”. This Exhibition commemorates the genocide against the Yazidi population committed by the Islamic State. The Representation requested the cooperation of the Kurdish Institute Brussels. A request that we are very happy to grant.
In the summer of 2014, incomprehensible suffering was inflicted on the Yazidi community in northern Iraq by the terrorist militia “Islamic State”. Several thousand Yazidis were systematically murdered or driven away. Women and girls have experienced sexualised violence, children have been forcibly recruited, towns and villages have been destroyed.
With a special contingent, the state of Baden-Württemberg was able to bring 1,000 particularly vulnerable, predominantly Yazidi women and children to Baden-Württemberg in 2015 and 2016 and to give them a second home. Among them was Nadia Murad, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for her human rights work.
However, hundreds of thousands are still living in devastating conditions in the refugee camps. That is why the state of Baden-Württemberg supports the Dohuk region with humanitarian projects. In addition, the state government plans to implement another special contingent for people in particular need of protection, especially women and children.
The immersive travelling exhibition “Nobody’s Listening” commemorates the beginning of the terrible genocide against the Yazidis in the summer of 2014. However, the exhibition goes far beyond mere commemoration. Through painting, sculpture and poetry by Yazidi artists, the exhibition exposes the devastating effects on the survivors of this genocide to this day. The centrepiece is an interactive virtual reality work based on the latest technology, in which visitors are shown the tragic fate of a young Yazidi woman and her brother in a very impressive way.
However, the focus also lies on the future prospects of the Yazidi community in their homeland. It underlines the tireless will and courage of the survivors, gives them a worldwide voice in their fight for justice, recognition and the preservation of their cultural heritage.
The exhibition will be on display in our Representation from 06 to 28 October 2022. Rue Belliardstraat 62, 1040 Brussels