An exhibition park about Karabag war was officially opened by Azerbaijani president Aliyev in Baku on 12 April, 2021. In this park, Aliyev, who showed off in his military outfit, tried to humiliate an ancient nation in this field where the Armenian military vehicles shot in the war, the belongings of the war prisoners are exhibited.
The Azerbaijani leader, who has behaved in a humiliating manner since he won the war, is also acting irresponsibly enough to make all his people mentally ill together with him. Hanging the helmets of the soldiers on hooks and grinning between them, is a disrespect, to say the least, to the dead and their relatives who are in pain. Exposing the dead bodies of Armenian soldiers, bringing young children and showing them this barbaric exhibition, encouraging them to squeeze the throats of the dead bodies by their little hands is a scene of shame that creates a killer from a baby.
This act of the Azerbaijani administration aims to publicly humiliate the Armenians, prisoners, lost relatives and all Armenian people who are victims of war and violates the universal declaration of human rights and international law. There are numerous videos of brutal torture of Armenian prisoners and even civilians during and after the war, spread by them on social media. The exhibition park that has opened is also a disgraceful thing that serves to satisfy sadistic feelings and sharpen militaristic extremism with racist hatred.
In today’s world, those who do not care for the fact that such behaviours and acts are considered crimes against humanity should not only be condemned but also subject to criminal sanctions. Although, there is a provision in the ceasefire agreement that requires the exchange of the war prisoners and dead bodies, the Azerbaijani administration holds Armenian prisoners of war as hostages for more than five months and thus commits a crime. To end this piracy which violates the rights of prisoners and deepen the trauma of their relatives, an effective reaction must be developed as soon as possible.
In this context, we, the undersigned, strongly condemn the ‘’The War Park After Karabag War’’ action of the Azerbaijani administration and invite all organizations that defend the international human rights and the rights prisoners of war to duty.
Herewith the link for signing the petition. You will also find the texts for the campaign in Dutch, Armenian, French, German and Turkish
Please find below an overview of the organizations that have supported this campaign.