Two people named Mehmet Reşit Arıcı and Naim Nuyan lost their lives in the police operations during the curfew in Yüksekova.
According to Yüksekova Haber (Yüksekova News), following their autopsy they were taken to Yüksekova by their families.
Thousands learning the bodies were brought to the district and wanted to attend the funeral gathered on Şemdinliyolu street. Police attacked on the group with pepper gas, pressured water and plastic bullets.
The funeral cortege went to the mosque through alternative roads upon the police intervention. The body was set off for the cemetery.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) deputy from Hakkari, Nihat Akdoğan trying to participate in the funeral has been blocked by soldiers at Yeniköprü Gendarmerie Check Point.
About Yüksekova
Yüksekova is one of three districts of Turkey’s southeastern province of Hakkari. It is located on the junction of Tukish-Iranian-Iraqi border.
According to census in 2013, the population of center is 67,000, and the district population is 116,327.
Sub-Governor: İbrahim Çenet
Co-Mayors (Democratic Regions Party): Ruken Yetişkin and Tacettin Safalı.
Hakkari deputies (HDP): Selma Irmak, Nihat Akdoğan, Abdullah Zeydan.
November 1, 2015 General election results:
HDP (% 93,7), Justice and Development Party (AKP) (% 4.2), People’s Republican Party (CHP) (% 0.7), Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) (% 0.8)
June 7, 2015 General election results:
HDP (% 94,0), AKP (% 3,4), MHP (% 1,5), CHP (% 0,6) (AS/TK)
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