As part of a diplomatic trip to different European countries, Masoud Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, will pay an official visit to Brussels on Tuesday 10 November. President Barzani will meet Mr. Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Members of the European Parliament`s Foreign Affairs Committee, and other political representatives in the European Parliament.
President Barzani’s program will start in the European Parliament, where he is invited for a public hearing with the Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs on Tuesday 10 November.
Mr. Barzani share his views on current (political) developments in Iraq and will present Kurdistan Region’s position in light of the upcoming challenges.
The hearing will be followed by a press conference, which is chaired by Mr. Fiorello Provera, Vice-chairmen of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Later on Tuesday, President Barzani will meet Mr. Javier Solana, High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The meeting will be followed by a press conference.
President Barzani’s Brussels visit aims to enhance EU – (Iraqi) Kurdistan relations, and exchange views with EU leaders and policymakers on current and future political developments in Iraq.
For more information and updates, please visit the website of Kurdistan Region’s Mission to the EU , or contact:
Zana KurdaKurdistan Region – EU Mission
221 Rue de la Loi
1040 Brussels
Tel: 0032 2 513 72 28
Fax:+32(2)25137936GSM: 0032 472445144Email: [email protected]