Lawyers in Germany have filed a criminal complaint at the responsible Federal Prosecutor’s Office
(BAW) in Karlsruhe, Germany against Prime Minister Erdogan, for the time being in Berlin for a
state visit, and several Chiefs of Staff of the Turkish army because of severe criminal acts during
war against the Kurdish population. The complaint is about war crimes and crimes against
humanity between 2003 and today which are outlawed by laws of war.
The criminal complaint is based on the German International Criminal Code which has been
existing since 2002. It enables an international prosecution of outlawed war crimes for which
military commanders and political superiors are responsible – even if the “crime scene” is not in
The complaint contains 10 exemplary “cases” from recent years, which have been compiled on the
basis of comprehensive own research, the analysis of materials of the Turkish justice system and
reports of respected human rights organisations.
Among others there are cases of extralegal executions, killing of combatants after taking them
prisoner, torture, post-mortal mutilation and even the use of prohibited chemical weapons.
Presented are the respective facts and circumstances with names, dates and means of evidence.
The complaint is filed in the name of relatives of the victims of the war crimes. The human rights
organisation MAF-DAD – Association for Democracy and International Law in Cologne, the
writer Doris Gercke (Bella Block), professor for international law Norman Paech, MP Harald
Weinberg (DIE LINKE), Dr. med. Gisela Penteker (IPPNW), city council member of Nuremberg
Marion Padua and sociologist Martin Dolzer are also among the plaintiffs.
The complaint was filed by lawyer Britta Eder and lawyer Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Schneider.
On 1 November 2011 in the House of Democracy in Berlin (Greifswalder Straße 4) a press
conference will be held with lawyers and plaintiffs.
Advance information: Lawyer Schneider +49(0)40-8513116 – RAin Eder +49(0)040-32033756
In case of absence: 0176-20705646
MAF-DAD, Association for Democracy and International Law
PO Box 10 24 38 – 50464 Cologne / Germany
tel. 0221 / 3 55 33 22 30, fax: 0221 / 7 90 76 10 30
[email protected],
31 October 2011