AKP was formed own general strategy on maintaining the advantage of becoming the dominant group.  The most critical side of the strategy has been focused on Kurdish cities. Therefore, it has been foreseen that to activate the government’s social aid institutions and Islamic foundation organizations effectually until the local elections.  So, governorships that works as a subcontractor were launched bribery operations under the name of “social aid campaigns”. Even Turkish Armed Forces was decreased military operations for the benefit of AKP government. On the other hand, Islamic institutions and religious sects had been supported because of practice upon spiritual sensitivities. 

Another vicious strategy is composing unification under AKP control in Kurdish region. AKP introduced itself to other political parties as only power who can blockade DTP or Kurdish People. So, it has been occurred unfair electoral period. The state’s almost all institutions were executing campaign against DTP. Felicity Party (SP), Nationalist Action Party (MHP) and Democrat Party (DP) who in rivalry each other in western cities have been displayed their sameness essentially due to unification practically for the benefit of AKP against DTP in Kurdish region.

Events that occurred during the elections, rightwing and conservative parties showed the signals how will insert had an attitude against DTP. Many foreign observers also witnessed that psychological pressure on people in the name of to providing security such as police and gendarmerie controls near the ballot boxes, identity card controls, searching dresses. As in past elections, exhibiting threatening behaviors by village guards and supporting these unlawful cases by soldiers have been blot the elections such as realized in Mardin’s Girmeli Town and Siirt’s Pervari Town. On the other hand, unlawful events such shifting electors and voting as bloc by soldiers has been realized crimes easily. Most of observers who stayed in the name of DTP had been far away from ballot boxes by the police. So, elections in Mardin became fraudulent in consideration of people. In the same way, DTP’s more than 3000 votes had been counted as invalid by the electoral committee in Agri. Also it has founded burned ballots which given to DTP in wastes. While DTP’s all objections ignored by election committees, AKP’s almost all objections had been accepted such as Siirt. People had been provoked due to election committees’ double standard approach.  There was spotted similar unlawful situations in İstanbul’s districts. Violations on elections such as controls and unlawful sealing the ballot boxes by gendarmerie had seen in Esenyurt and Arnavutköy where the places that ambitious in terms of DTP. Thus, Kurds had been banished from the political arena. Therefore, mentioned groups have responsibilities about this occurred violence. It has been spotted important results especially in Kurdish cities in spite of the occurred violations.      

It seems that the local election results will be discussed in Turkey for a long time. So, three key points in the election results have revealed;

Firstly, it has been clearly revealed that all assimilation, denying and destruction policies which become source of deadlock until Turkey’s last 30 years political history on Kurds realized by Turkish state. The Ergenekon is a confession of crime which had realized against Kurdish People. Now, AKP has trespass the same crime. AKP who make an agreement with army is recognizing itself that can blockade Kurds’ demands as a primary actor. So, AKP trying to broke DTP’s effects on Kurdish People. Therefore, society’s democratic and politic dynamics under pressure and has tried to be emaciated by briberies, favoritism and similar methods. Although all kind tricks and lays, AKP’s bilateral politics have been disclosed by DTP. Statistics of result which occurred after the election has showed that unity of Kurdish People won’t be break down and uncovered the reality of DTP as major representative on democratic struggle.

The ruling AKP was showed indications that can’t overcome the traditional politics about Kurds’ demands on identity, culture and language. Although AKP launches Kurdish broadcasting channel TRT 6 in the name of seeming positive in terms of USA and EU, it understood that this evolution includes dangerous approaches such as creating state’s Kurds. The existent political and judicial situation is exposing the reality of restriction about demanding to recognition of Kurds as a nation and providing guarantee for cultural rights. These demands have resulted in with blocking broadcast of TRT 3 based on to the Constitution’s third article while Mr. Ahmet Turk making his speech in Kurdish. We can produce this reason from the contrast; living and talking as a Kurd is forbidden. But if you become “state’s Kurd”, all facilities of the state are open unlimitedly… Kurdish people had indicated own react clearly by 29 Marc local elections against mentioned approach. The election’s results have exposed these facts; Kurdish people are a reality. Kurds want to constitutional guarantee and to use own cultural identity and language freely. For years, the issue which called as “terror problem” must be recognized as a nation’s struggle of freedom. These elections have signed interlocutor that expressed by the people who joined to DTP meetings about the Kurdish Issue. It has expressed that the issue can’t solve without Mr. Abdullah ÖCALAN and PKK. So, some of intellectuals and columnists have expressed loudly same things. Especially DTP’s victory in Kurdish regions has spotted the reality by raising the vote rates through to Kurdish people’s demands. The results have showed a fact that Kurdish issue came into solving process. The solution is depends on recognition Kurdish nation and its willpower. Except of the concerned solutions which discussed will not be accepted. Our people expressed own approach clearly.    

The second case is AKP’s disability about controlling the crisis in Turkey after the enhancing process of the global crisis. Although lack of people’s income, AKP refused crisis claims. Therefore AKP’s vote rate decreased as can seen by result of the local election. In spite of AKP has launched some measures, no aid program was based on people who have small income such as farmers and employees. Most of economic programs were launched with the intention of protecting the rich class. The government’s major tactic is promoting people to consuming by artificial ways such as providing credits. This approach presents the program that can’t create a structural solution to the crisis. Industrial groups had been supported by government financially in the name of “reconstruction”. Contrarily, poor people couldn’t support. Additionally, owner of firms have lay off thousands of employees through from the crisis.

Another exposed reality is the representation of women in the elections. Even if recognized as democratic parties had been nominated very few women candidates. All parties Except the DTP nominated women candidates where known as less chances places to win generally. Hence, these parties managed male-controlled system politics. But DTP nominated women candidates where known as high chances to win. Today, totally 18 of 14 mayors are members of DTP. Other parties’ women mayor rate can’t reach to %1. But DTP’s women mayor rate reached to nearly %15. Also, DTP’s women municipal council member rates the highest point from other parties.  DTP will create democratic governance that can provide gender equality on the representation as depend on pluralism. 98 municipalities will obey to mentioned approach and activate democratic municipality.

As a result, the local election was not only based on governing but also externalizing people’s political demands and self-control. DTP’s election victory will provide to understanding Kurdish People’s demands clearly. Thus, it has become closer to the solution and democratic autonomy project’s first steps have been emerged.