The perpetrators of the Ankara attack did not pass through our regions as Turkish officials claimed. We are not a party to the civil conflict in Turkey and we do not encourage the escalation of this conflict. Turkey’s search for excuses to justify its ongoing attacks on our regions and launch a new military offensive increases our deep concern. Targeting the infrastructure and economic resources of the region and its populated cities is a war crime, and we have seen it before. Therefore, we call on the guarantor parties and the international community to take appropriate positions against these recurring threats and ensure peace and stability in the region.”

A statement from General Mazlum Kobanî, the Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Northeast Syria. He made his statements yesterday (Wednesday, October 4, 2023) in response to the attack on the Turkish Ministry of the Interior in Ankara on October 1st.
General Mazlum Kobanî’s statement, including his concerns and fears about what awaited the Autonomous Region in Northeast Syria (Rojava), became reality today (Thursday, October 5).

Through Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Turkey openly declares to the world that the Turkish attacks will target ‘civilian infrastructure’. This minister openly announces war crimes before they are committed!

This Thursday morning 5-10, heavy attacks and bombings have started on the entire territory of Rojava. Targeted places include dams, power plants, gas stations, water stations, migrant camps, villages and civilian vehicles.