Among the detainees are seven BDP Party Council members, 18 district chairs, co-chairs and administrators, up to 58 party members, institution administrators, city council members and Özgür Gündem (Free Agenda) newspaper’s editor Kazim Seker.

In Diyarbakir police have been raiding several houses since last night. At least 40 BDP members and executives have been taken into custody. Among the dained people are BDP executive Erkan Piskin, BDP provincial administrators, members of BDP Women’s Council and City Council.
BDP Diyarbakir MP Nursel Aydogan’s house was also raided and searched by police for a long time.
After having her house raided by police, Derik BDP mayor, Çaglar Demirel has been taken into custody and sent to Diyarbakir.
The police raided the mayor’s house earlier this morning. The search lasted for about three hours and then the mayor was arrested.  Totally, more than 130 Kurdish citizens have been taken into custody today.

Among 13 BDP members, who were taken into custody in Tatvan district of Bitlis on September 30th, eleven were arrested in Van on charges of “being organization administrators” and “making propaganda for the organization”.  As to 13 BDP executives and members who were taken into custody three days ago with house raids in Kartal and Pendik districts of Istanbul, nine were arrested and sent to prison.

Other 19 people who were detained in Sehit Kamil and Sahinbey districts of Antep on October 1st with house raids carried out by police on the houses of BDP executives, KURDI-DER and Media Culture Center buildings, were also referred to the Court of Antep.
Two BDP members were also taken into custody in Ankara as a result of police raids in their houses today.
For the last month: 910 people have been taken into custody and 296 of them were arrested

AKP leaves the way to domestic peace;
From the 14 April 2009, more than 5000 people have been arrested in the name of KCK case. Most of the arrested people are BDP executives, members and supporters. The case and the indictment are completely based on phone conversations and the legal press conferences or election campaigns of BDP. The indictments are completely absurd and virtual. Co-Presidents of BDP Mr. Demirtas and Ms. Kisanak stresses that “if the BDP members are KCK members, we are the Co-Presidents of KCK. Come and arrest us firstly.”

AKP closes the way to domestic peace with eliminating legal politicians. Targeting legal politicians whose only work is demanding for peace means to burn the peace bridges between the Kurds and Turks. The only way to peace is coming together and negotiating.
Stop arresting democraticly elected politicians!

Eyyup Doru
European Representative
Peace and Democracy Party (BDP)
European Representaive Office
14.Place de Londres 1050 Bruxelles