Sign the online petition or click here to sign:
Better Turkish than popish?
Stop the rape on children in Turkish prisons. Now!
Support with your signature the petition Better Turkish than popish? Stop the rape on children in
Turkish prisons. Now!
With this petition we ask you to give a clear message to Turkey, candidate to become a full member of
the EU, by not choosing this country as a holiday destination, as long as they continue to judge and
imprison children like adults and subject them to physical and sexual abuse. With every cent you spend
there, you support the mechanism of suppression of the Turkish state.
In addition, we demand from all Belgian and European institutions, politicians and human rights
organizations that:
– the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment (CPT sends a delegation to the Turkish prisons where
guards and fellow prisoners with impunity abuse minors physically, mentally and
sexually as soon as possible
– the CPT-committee investigates the health status of hundreds of imprisoned Kurdish
minors in Turkish prisons and takes appropriate measures to stop all forms of abuse,
both mental and physical abuse from the Turkish authorities and adult inmates on
these minors as soon immediately.
– the Belgian Foreign Minister, the Walloon and Flemish ministers of Foreign Policy
take their responsibilities urgently, and ask the Turkish authorities for an explanation
about the previously reported child abuse in Turkish prisons.
– The same ministers emphatically ask an explanation from the Turkish authorities
about the reason for arrest, the number and situation of MINOR KURDISH POLITCAL
– human rights organizations, organizations that defend the rights of the child, follow
this matter and demand that the Turkish state opens investigation into the conditions
in Turkish prisons in several areas
– no child is subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
– the General Association of Professional Journalists of Belgium (AVBB /AGJPB) and
the Association of European Journalists (AEJ) investigate the case of journalists Ali
Bulus, Hamdullah Keser and Özlem Agus of the Dicle News Agency (diha), who first
sexual abuse children and other torture brought to light, and condemn their arrest by
the Turkish government. Their arrest on March 6th was based on the law against