This Alliance seeks to bring together all democratic forces and political parties that are opposed to tyranny and corruption, that reject sectarianism and violence, that rely on the notion, components and execution of the Syrian-based solution, and that accept participation in a political process aimed at ending the Syrian crisis and transition to a democracy through a peaceful political path.
The Democratic Civil Alliance sees the necessity for all Syrian parties to participate in creating the solution.
The Democratic Civil Alliance does not set preconditions to negotiations with the regime, but maintains that it is necessary for the appropriate climate for this negotiation to be in place, and for this negotiation to have a clear title: to agree on a transitional phase in preparation for the country entering a new democratic era putting down roots for building a State of law and democratic institutions, and to permanently sever the system of dictatorship.
The Democratic Civil Alliance relies on the International Geneva Agreement of 30 June 2012 in its vision for a solution for the Syrian crisis, particularly to reach through negotiations a governing body (transitional Government) for the interim period that includes figures from the regime, the opposition and other parties, so that they form a coalition authority that will be in a position to lead the country in the electoral transition stage.
It is necessary that the transitional Government has full powers to carry out its duties as an authority for the transitional period, and to have executive power to manage the country, to end the armed conflict and to begin the process of rebuilding the country.
The Alliance sees that negotiation is a complex political process and it should remain supported through dialogue between all parties, including new parties that had not seen a place for themselves or an opportunity to enter the negotiation process in former times.
The Alliance considers that the forces participating in the transitional authority phase do not have sufficient legitimacy to create a new Constitution, therefore it should be created from two short-term phases until we reach the true electoral stage of producing a Parliament with full legitimacy. It offers a vision for the transitional phase for all the forces that are convinced of the need of a political solution today, that is based on two stages:

Phase I:
This will be on the basis of consensus on power-sharing based on the International Geneva Agreement.
The current Constitution is suspended.
This transitional Government should govern based on fundamental Constitutional rules (an agreed Constitutional declaration).
This authority shall have full administrative, security, military and economic power.
This authority must prepare the country politically and securely for the second phase, which sets out: the fundamental rights in the range of the individual, the collective and institution-building, and provides for the launch of the three liberties of assembly, association and political and civil organization; the restructuring of the military and security institutions and determines the nature of the relationship, the structure and the function of the military and security on a national basis; the development of legislation that will allow parliamentary elections; the drafting of a national program of arms control in order to limit arms to the State; and work to compensate and rehabilitate the victims of violence, and begin the process of reconstruction in accordance with the contingency plan and international and regional commitments to support the people and the State.
Parliamentary elections will be held to form a constituent council and legislative for a period of one year only.
Phase II:
Limited functions of this council:
– Construction of a new Constitution for the country, and hold a referendum on it;
– To pass laws, legislation and rules which establish a separation of powers,
– Co-operate with the coalition Government in the management of the affairs of the country according to the new Constitution.

The functions of the Government at this stage:
– Prepare the country in acceptable ways for Parliamentary elections;
– Return the country to a high level of security and safety;
– Supervision of the elections in accordance with the new Constitution.

At the end of the session (one year) to hold new Parliamentary elections for the normal duration as per. the Constitution, and then:
– Elect a new President, and a new Government will be formed according to the Constitution and the results of the Parliamentary elections;

The requirements on the regime in the negotiation stage, directly or indirectly, in order to create confidence in its seriousness:
• the release of political prisoners and the abolition of Decree 55;
• accept the principle of a cease-fire. This may be in accordance with agreed plans at regional and local level, and beginning in appropriate areas;
• facilitate relief and rescue operations and strengthening the role of Syrian civil society;
• the adoption of the principle of commitment to the agreements resulting from the negotiations,
• consent to the presence of international guarantees for negotiation and commitment to the agreements and covenants.

Subsequent to these steps, direct negotiation delegates will be selected, after the place for the negotiations has been determined.

Committee of Action emerging from the Syrian International Conference for Democratic Syria and Civilian State on 28-29 January 2013

Paris 2-3 March 2013