The Kobani Trial that began since April 26 in Akara against 108 representatives of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) is “a distasteful show”. This is testified by various MEP’s who observed the trial until now on behalf of the European Parliament.
With this show trial, they want to portray known politicians as criminals in order for social support to the HDP to be arrested. The 3530-page indictment contains evidence that has nothing to do with the truth. If things go according to Erdogan’s wishes, Selahattin Demirtas should spend up to 15,000 years in prison. This is the request of the Office of the Attorney General. But this is a proxy trial to avenge the victory against ISIS at Kobani.
Thus, they (Turkish regime) want to criminalise resistance and solidarity with Kobani and oppress the HDP by legal system that does not exist in Turkey. As stated by the HDP’s former Co-Chair, Selahattin Demirtas, “What really devastates Erdogan is not our people who have been brutally murdered, but ISIS’s defeat in Kobani.”
Detailed and up-to-date information concerning the trial can be found via the webpages of the HDP representation in Europe: HDP Europe