For the last few years there has been a general feeling of losing momentum and general
ignorance of the Kurdish people and their problems. There are a few different perspectives
to the Kurdish question in Turkey. For some it is an underdevelopment and economic
problem, for most it is an identity problem. The authors argue that there is a need to
consider both of them together, not separately. They also argue that the inability to openly
discuss the main causes of the problems for Kurdish people, which is the armed conflict in
the southeast, is hindering development and the peace process in a very important way.
The report will not consist of a theoretically based political analyses but will adress the
everyday difficulties for people living in the Kurdish regions, which the authors consider to
be the biggest obstacles for a durable peaceful solution of the conflict. The authors would
like to thank the Prague Security Institute and the Heinrich Boll Stiftung for making the
conference possible and inviting us to contribute our ideas and letting us participate in the
valuable discussion on where Turkey is heading.
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