Not only have people openly shown their disapproval concerning the Syrian regime’s actions in the German cities of Hamburg in Berlin, but also in Geneva, Vienna and London. The death of the advocate of democracy and pluralism has caused Syrians in exile to storm the German embassies. Apart from Germany’s foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, several politicians have openly shown their disapproval towards the violence in Syria.
In contrast to their veto against the resolution formulated by the UN-Security Council, even Russia’s president Dmitri Medwedew has demanded Baschar Al-Assad’s resignation in case he does not intend to enforce the necessary reforms. Nevertheless, Medwedew emphasised that these decisions must be made the Syrian people and not by the NATO. (Source:,1518,790562,00.html )
More than 50,000 Kurdish and Assyro-Arameans attended the funeral in Qamischli. In an attack initiated by the present security guards, two people died and several more were injured. According to witnesses Tamo died after being attacked by four armed persons who drove a black car. Tamo’s son as well as an oppositionist visitor were severely injured. According to public assumptions the assault has been carried out by followers of the system or a secret service. (Source:
Tamo is not the only famous personality who was the victim of such sudden attacks: Ali Farsad, a famous cartoonist, and Riad Seif, a former member of parliament, have experienced similar aggression. Seif was beaten up the same day that Tamo died. (Source:
In Tamo’s case it is still unclear whether the government is responsible for the attack.
In the meantime Kairo, the capital of the neighbouring Egypt, has become an assembly point for Syrian oppositionists in exile. Abdel Karim al-Rihawi states that meanwhile more than 5,000 people have died, 6,000 are missing, and 70,000 have been put into prison. Al-Rihawi points out that the intention of the people is to demonstrate peacefully. However, the Syrian dissenter Muhammad Mamoun al-Homsi fears a possible forceful acquisition of power by the people, especially if the international community do not intervene. "The patience of the people has reached its limit", al-Homsi says. This implies the threat of a civil-war.
Abdel Karim al-Rihawi claims states that other countries seem to have less interest in Syrian issues due to its lack of oil reserves. On the other hand he is confident about the international acceptance of the National Assembly, and thus, the intervention of other states. (Source: )
Because of the assassination of Maschal Tamo, the state is concerned about increasing protests by the Kurdish population. Therefore the state has reinforced security mechanisms in Kurdish areas of Damascus.
Apart from these events, the interview with Sainab al-Hosni, which has been believed to be dead, leads to confusion. Opponents of the regime believe, that her apparent death is being used to demote the aims of the rebels. It is obvious that the government has not shown much effort to clarify the real identity of the dead body that was supposed to be that of al-Hosni. It is moreover questionable why al-Hosni did not contact her family earlier. It remains unclear whether she has voluntarily taken part in the interview or was forced to do so.
(Source:,1518,790357,00.html )
Various minorities worry about the future of the state even after a successful revolution: Kurdish, Christian and Druzian parts of the population fear an ongoing discrimination. Previously it was the Sunnis who felt disadvantaged by the Alawi minority.
Kurdish people, Druzians, Christians as well as Alawis fear a possible increase in persecution by a future Islamic government. (Source:!79602/)
Videos from the GfbV-archive:
GfbV-Video in the English language about the imprisonment of M. Tamo:
GfbV-Video in Kurdish-Kurmanci about the imprisonment of M. Tamo: