The main question is: “Why are women, as a social group, victim of segregation and violence?”
Bu the most important question is: “How to stop this worldwide violence?”
Theatre workshop: “When women break the silence, the world will tremble!”
Casablanca : Open for all women who want to share their personal experiences through theatre and supported by the group. (Free entrance/ inscriptions by mail:
“How to put an end to violence against women?”
Zabriskie: Debate between activists and the public (in French, translation possible)
Leila Parnian (8 mars, Afghanistan-Iran)
Samla Bezoui (Phd, ULB)
Ezra Guden (SKB, Union of Socialist Women)
Sophie Whitaeckx (Phd, VUB)
20h00: Concert: Leman Stehn (Macedonia)
Entrance: 5 euro (student discount, free for unemployed)
for a babysitter:
Email : / Gsm : 0486484365
Koerdisch Instituut vzw
Institut Kurde de Bruxelles asbl
Union of Socialist women (SKB, en ‘8 mars’ (
With the support of Federaal Impulsfonds voor migrantenbeleid and the Vlaamse Gemeenschapsscommissie