Civilian deaths in sieges imposed by the security forces
The first of these sieges, described as “curfews,” was imposed in Varto, starting on 16 August. There are sieges still in course in Cizre, Silopi and Sur districts. “Curfews” have been declared 56 times in 20 districts of 7 cities and so far these “curfews” have totaled 274 days. In some districts where curfews have been officially lifted, there is still a de facto siege. The most recent situation in 3 districts is as follows:
Ø In Cizre where a curfew has been declared 5 times so far, the last curfew was declared on 14.12.2015. 30 people lost their lives in the course of 23 days of siege. In Cizre, 63 people have been killed since July 2015.
Ø In Silopi, where a curfew has been declared 2 times so far, the last curfew was declared on 14.12.2015. 24 people lost their lives during 23 days of siege. 38 people have lost their lives since July 2015.
Ø In Sur, where a curfew has been declared 6 times so far, the last curfew was declared on 02.12.2015. 14 people lost their lives in the course of 34 days of siege. 19 people have been killed since July 2015 in Sur. Despite claims that the curfew was lifted in Gazi Street on 30.12.2015, a de facto siege is continuing.
Until today, 149 citizens 28 of them are women, lost their lives in the sieges.
In the last one month, 68 people in total died in Cizre, Sur and Silopi.
6 people whose funerals are not permitted to be buried in Silopi:
Mehmet Mete (10 years old), Axîn Kanat (16 years old), Reşit Eren (17 years old), Şiyar Özbek (25 years old), Hasan Sanır (75 years old) and Seyfettin Sidar (30 years old).
3 people whose funerals are not permitted to be buried in Sur:
İsa Oran, Mesut Seviktek and Ramazan Öğüt.
- Ali Tetik ( 34 years old) who was heavily injured due to the gunfire of Special Forces on December 27, died in hospital in Batman.
- Nur neighborhood was shot with tanks. While dozens of houses have been damaged due to tank shootings, the fire broke out in numerous houses.
- In Cudi, Sur, Yafes and Nur neighborhoods, the vast majority of the people are taking refuge in the basements. In each of the basements, more than 100 people live.
- Mehmet Erik who was injured due to the gunfire of Special Forces detained at the hospital and then arrested.
- In Karşıyaka neighborhood, three women activists were killed. Sêvê Demir was the member of Party Assembly of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP – Demokratik Bölgeler Partisi); Pakize Nair was Co-chair of Silopi People’s Assembly and Fatma Uyar was Free Women Congress (KJA – Kongreya Jinên Azad) activist.
- 37 people including DİHA journalist Nedim Oruç were detained. Nedim Oruç was exposed to torture by special operational military teams.
Police forces raided the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) building on the ground of a notice. After the search inside the building, they detained Zeynep Altunkaya who is a student at the Fırat University and Mehmet Şakir Karataş who is claimed to be deserter.
In Muş district Bulanık, DBP building was raided by police forces and as a result of the raid, at least 20 citizens together with co-mayor of Bulanık, vice co-mayor and DBP administers.