Reason to lecture on political philosophy beginning Aristotle today in Kurdish Party BDP, which is legal and in Parliament. He wrote a book on Thomas Hobbes, and translated his De Cive. Ironically also he translated a book 11 years ago on problems of Turkish justice system. [The Independence of Judges and Lawyers in the Republic of Turkey: Report of a Mission, 1999, published by the Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Geneva, Switzerland….] He translated academic books also for Bilgi University. He was translator of human rights delegations from UK and Europe.
And our writer, Aziz Tunç, who wrote "Analysis and Historical Background of Maras Massacre 1978", is arrested also. Because he lectured on Maras Massacre. He was writing a book on "Maras history in multiculturality."
Because of Anti Terror Law, they will wait at least one year until the beginning of trial. Only accusation is to be member of a legal party and to lecture at the BDP Political Science Academy. CHP and AKP have also this kind academies, like social democrats in Germany, Sweden or Norway. Between arrested people, there are also other scholars like Ayse Berktay and A. Dursun Yildiz.
Our translator Suzan Zengin, who grew up in Germany, was in prison last 2 years, she is released 2 months ago. She had health problems in prison. She had a heart operation 10 days ago, and she did not wake up after it. She is in coma for 12 days. What a waste of lives!
We are afraid for the fate of my son Deniz Zarakolu, who has asthma problem and Aziz Tunc, because of their possible health problems in the isolation prisons.
Suzan Zengin’s last translation was "Exile, Massacre and Suppression of Anatolian Christians", a conference book in Berlin, Tessa Hofmann edited.  Earlier she had translated for us "Anthology of Cyprus Greek Literature", "Anthology of Greek Short Stories about Thessaloniki", "Anthology of Assyrian Folk Stories and Songs".

I came first time to Frankfurt Book Fair, in 1991. Then our writer Ismail Besikci was in prison, because he was a scholar work on Kurdish people. After 20 years what has been changed?
They all went in prison because they are working for peace, for liberty, equality and they believe peaceful co-existence of different peoples and cultures.
Our struggle will go on for the truth and humanity.
Frankfurt, October 12th, 2011
Ragip Zarakolu 
Chief Editor of Belge International Publishing House.