current shengal

First units of the Peshmerga have reached Ezidi resistance fighters in Shingal as part of large-scale offensive aimed at liberating Shingal region from ISIS terrorists. On Thursday evening, first Peshmerga units met with Ezidi resistance fighters from Shingal´s Protection Unit HPS in Zorava, an ezidiPress correspondent on the ground has reported.

Qasim Dirbo, the local Ezidi commander in Zorava has advanced with his unit to the east of Mount Shingal. Prior to that, the heavily armed Peshmerga units had cleared the communication road between Zumar and Zorava, liberating further villages on the way. In the north of Mount Shingal, Peshmerga tanks which advanced from Rabia are now close to the villages of Sinune, Dugure, Borik and Duhola.

On the other side, PKK and YBS fighters clashed with ISIS terrorists west and south of Mount Shingal. Meanwhile, Ezidi resistance fighters stationed in the mountains and north of the mountains continue to prepare for heavy clashes with ISIS terrorists.

By controlling the communication road between Zumar and Zoarava, it is now possible to bring the 9,000 civilians trapped in the mountains to safety in Duhok. Clashes with ISIS are ongoing yet.

Publisehd by EzidiPress