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Quite some interesting information and news from the Kurdish regions – Bakur (Turkey), Başȗr (Iraq), Rojava (Syria) and Rojhilat (Iran) – is rarely, if ever, reported by the mainstream media.
The Kurdish Institute tries to fill this gap by reporting on a regular basis through its own news page recent facts and events, both from the Kurdish regions and from the rest of the world.
HDP, the third largest political party risks a ban — Chris Den Hond reports from Kurdistan – Turkey (7 April 2021)
Kurdistan (Bakur), Turkey --- March 2021 HDP, the third largest party in Turkey, risks a ban. Journalist Chris Den Hond made a report about this and was on the spot. Opposition party HDP, the Peoples' Democratic Party, has 55 of the 600 seats in the Parliament. The...
“You owe so much to the Kurdish guerilla fighters” – Doğan Özgüden in (26 March 2021)
Doğan Özgüden hits nails in his recent article that he wrote for both and Artigercek. Doğan points out to Western countries, and especially Western European member states, that it is thanks to Kurdish resistance that we have been freed from the terror of...
EUTCC statement concerning the ongoing and inhuman isolation of Abdullah Öcalan
March 16, 2021 --- the EU Turkey Civic Commission (EUTCC) issued a statement to end the inhuman state of isolation in the Turkish prison of Imrali . The EUTCC called upon the EU member states, European institutions, especially the Council of Europe and the CPT...
Images and report of the conference “Turkish call to kill Kurds in Europe”
On Wednesday, March 10, an exciting online conference took place as a result of the fairly recent Turkish call to kill Kurds on the European territory. If you missed our conference, please refer to the video recording on YouTube. You can view the full conference via...
“We should assassinate Kurds in Europe”. A Turkish general calls for state terrorism on the territory of Europe!
Astonishing news appeared on the web platform of "Middle East Diplomatic" (MED). It reads how a former head of Turkish intelligence and of the military's general staff openly declares to a TV channel (CNN-Turk) that the Turkish state must do everything it can to...
“Election of Joe Biden and Internal Contestations, the New Hardships of Erdoğan” – Review from Chris Den Hond (9 February 2021)
To our Institute, Chris Den Hond is a well-known reporter and author already for many years now. Chris recently published on the journalistic platform ‘Orient XXI’ an interesting review under the title “Election of Joe Biden and Internal Contestations, the New...
Majority of U.S. senators urge Biden to press Turkey on rights (10 February 2021 – Reuters, Jeruzalem Post, Al Arabiya, …)
“Majority of U.S. senators urge Biden to press Turkey on rights”. On Wednesday, February 10, 2021, this was the headline of a lot of international press, including Reuters, Jeruzalem Post, Al Arabiya, etc. Fifty-four of the 100 senators in the US signed the letter,...
Urgent call for an international response to Turkish military invasion of South Kurdistan
Earlier this morning, between 3 AM and 6 AM local time, the Turkish Armed Forces initiated a large-scale cross-border military offensive in the region of Garê in South Kurdistan (Northern Iraq). Turkish airstrikes targeted the villages of Guzê, Meyrokê, Siyanê,...
PETITION – “100 reasons to prosecute Erdoğan for his feminicidal policies!”
"100 reasons to prosecute Erdogan for his feminicidal policies!" Under this slogan, the Kurdish Women's Movement of Europe launched a petition. We invite everyone to visit their well-documented web pages (see 100-Reasons). When you browse through this website, it...