Programme for a seminar on: The Future of Iraq, Kirkuk and Disputed Territories, A Kurdic Perspective
Monday 26 April 2010, 13:00 – 16:00 hours, European Parliament: PHS P1A002
Hosted by MEP Dennis de Jong, Socialist Party, the Netherlands
Organised by:
The Kurdish Institute – Brussels
KESC, Kurdish Educational, Scientific and Cultural Center – France
Moderator: Dennis de Jong, MEP
Co referent: Harry van Bommel, Member of Dutch Parliament
Part I: History and Context
13.00 Historical introduction of Kirkuk and the disputed territories in Iraq and the role of Europe
Prof. Kamal Mudhar Achmad, Expert on the history of Iraq
Turkmen vision on the history and context of Kirkuk and the disputed territories in Iraq
Irfan Jamal Tawfeeq – President of the Turkmen Peoples Party
Forced resettlement and the economic development relating to Kirkuk and the disputed territories
Fareeq Farooq Abdullah, Lawyer
Kirkuk and the disputed territories in the Iraqi media
Hasso O. Osman, Journalist
Provisions and implementation of article 140
Khalid Salam Saeed, Member of the Iraqi Parliament and member of the Article 140 committee
14.15 Coffee and tea break
Part II: Current status of Kirkuk and the disputed territories
14.45 The role of neighbouring countries to Iraq in relation to Kirkuk and the disputed territories
Hikmat Mohammad Kareem, Expert on Kirkuk and the disputed territories
The Kurdish perspective towards Kirkuk and the disputed territories
Dr. Mohammad Ihsan, Ex-KRG Minister for Disputed Areas
Future perspectives on Iraq in relation to the EU
Paul Vanden Bavière, Journalist
All participants are invited to a reception afterwards.
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