Our Activities

The Kurdish Institute organizes numerous educational activities, including lectures, conferences, guest tables, movie nights, exhibitions and cultural events. Everyone is welcome to join and participate. You can find more information in our calendar below.

If you are an organizer yourself and are looking for an exciting activity for your organization, you can view our range of educational activities here.

If you would like to become a volunteer, you can sign up below.

october, 2024

Kurdish Language Courses

Translator Exam

Kurdistan Culture Week

Conferences and Workgroups


The Kurdish Institute also organizes annual campaigns to put important themes in the spotlight and where you can take action yourself.


Enstituy Kurdî ya Brukselê ji mexdûrên erdhêja li herêmê bûye sîfa dixwaze. Ji kesên jiyana xwe destdayî rehmetê û ji birîndaran re şifa xêrê dixwaze. Jibo mexdûrên herêmê Heyva Sora a Kurdistanê kampanya alîkariyê...

Encamnameya Civîna (23.) Komîteya Dîplomasîya Hevbeş ya Partî û Rêxistinên Siyasî yên Kurdistanî û Komîteya Kar û Çalakîyên Sedsalîya Peymana Lozanê

Bi amadebûna nûnerên partî û rêxistinên siyasî yên Kurdistanî, Komîteya Diplomasîya Hevbeş, roja 15.01.2023an, civîna xwe ya bîstûsêyemîn li gel Komîteya Kar û Çalakîyên Sedsalîya Peymana Lozanê, li navenda  KNK ê, li...

Protest – Xwepêşandan 06.01.23 – 13,00h, Adres: Robert Schumanplein – Brussel

Vexwendineke giştî ji bo Komcivîna Protestokirinê Hejmarek deste û saziyên yasayî we vedixwînin ku bi hev re beşdarî komcivîna protestokirinê bibin ji bo şermezarkirina kuştina parêzer Luqman Henan di bin îşkenceyê de...

SOS Rojava & Shengal

This campaign mobilizes support for the reconstruction of Kurdish regions in northern Syria (Rojava) and the Yezidi city of Shengal (Sinjar) in Iraq. These were both severely damaged when they were attacked by the...

#SOS Turkey

#SOSTurkey is an open platform of organizations and individuals who support the hundreds of thousands of people who fell victim to the purges and human rights violations in Turkey. The platform is committed to the...

Book Us

As an organization you can also book our employees! We customize these activities to your needs and deliver all over Flanders for a minimal expense allowance.


Guest Table

Movie night

Speeddate Kurdish Issues


Cultural Events

Educational Trips

More info

Become a Volunteer

And if you want to do more for the Kurdish issue and diaspora communities, you can join us as a volunteer!

The Kurdish Institute works with a small team of three part-time staff members (1 half time and 2 4/5), assisted by the chairman of the Board of Directors.

We outsource a number of very specific tasks to external professionals such as accounting, the design of this website and consultancy. But a large part of our work depends on you, our highly valued volunteers!

The Kurdish Institute calls on volunteers for:
-logistical tasks during activities (information stands, reception, bar, kitchen, transport, sound, … )
-promotion (flyers, distributing posters, social media, … )
-translations (written and/or spoken during info activities)
-help in the library and the documentation center (registration, filing, … )
-lay-out of flyers and other expenses

Finally, a very special category of volunteers are our “substantive employees”, in particular our editors (who contribute to our website and publications) and our “guest speakers” (the various experts who provide presentations for us). We are happy to help new content employees with customized support.

Interested? Contact us for more information.
